The other day, the spokesman of the People of Freedom party, Capezzone, seems to have been attacked and hit with a punch from a guy who then ran away, and I think that Violence is never a good way to react to things, especially because, even if it has reason on his side, the violence will always put you in the wrong. That said I must also confess that, heard the news, I had a feeling of pleasure, I'm a monster? I do not think, at least not for this, because I knew that was not an armed attack, was not an assault group (which, however, happens very often that I know, gay couples who go around alone much to walk but only a tenth of a media return (but that's another story (here I start again with the brackets (I'll stop now )))), was not disproportionate force, and not had too many damage and to stigmatize the same, it is clear, however, there was this same feeling of pleasure and this slight envy for those who had made that gesture, but why? Yes, I asked the reason for these feelings, for I believe that to be a balanced person and democratic, I felt a bit 'of pleasure in knowing that this man was beaten? Then I analyzed the story and situation, we live in a period of tension, you can not hide this, they are told to justify absurd behavior of the institutions which cry and who should do something does not mean anything and then you feel frustrated but this is enough? There are at least sixteen years who, in turn, dozens people have said the same bales, because the thrill just to this guy here? I thought about the thousands of times the subject has appeared on television to tell her and I realized, is not only what is said but how it is said, the face with which it is said. There, in the words, veiled in the good Italian, the arrogance and presumption, the arrogance and the conviction to be the "healthy carrier of the truth" and I realized that this is what made the difference. But seeing as I was, I was thinking (not that it happens so often), I wondered if he alone, Capezzone, and I was so agreed with me that, unfortunately, of Capezzone there are many, the Capezzone are not what they say in anger " did not understand a shit" , the Capezzone are those who say with a smile "you can not understand" , as if you I was the last goat on earth, the Capezzone are not the ones that make the subtle irony, are those that make bad sarcasm, the Capezzone are not what you hear are the ones who interrupt you because "you're not saying anything sensible " i Capezzone are not those who fight for an idea, but honestly who drool like rabid dogs against an idea; the Capezzone are not the ones who say "I do not like" , are those who say "sucks" . Of Capezzone , alas, there are everywhere, in every category, work, class, party, thought to Capezzone is full of the world and I, frankly, he sometimes, I have the balls full.
add something because it seems to me that there is a moment of confusion, this post is not about Capezzone and what has sustained, but on human behavior, to some people who, rightly or wrongly, believe that their point of view of both the verb and that this allows him to be able to laugh and spit on that of others!