ingredienti :
formaggio fresco (tipo philadelphia) 250g
uova 6
zucchero 140g
latte fresco 100ml
farina 60g
burro 50g
amido di mais 20g
succo di limone 1 cucchiaio
lievito per dolci 1/4 cucchiaino
sale 1/4 cucchiano
Mescolare il formaggio fresco, il burro fuso, il succo di lemon and milk in order to obtain a homogeneous creamy sauce. Stir in flour, cornstarch, salt and egg yolks (set aside the egg whites) and mix well. Then mount the egg whites with the baking powder until they are almost firm, add sugar gradually, until you get the egg whites very compact. Embed then gently, stirring from bottom to top, the egg whites to a compound of cheese, and pour all that dough into a greased mold (or lined with baking paper, if you use a mold silicone) to 26cm in diameter. Place the mold inside a larger baking pan, pour a couple of fingers of water in the second pan and bake all at 160 ° C for one hour and 10 minutes. Allow to cool and serve with your favorite fruit coulis.

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