The trip meter
E 'on a Friday night, the last working day of the week and already I'm ready to pull the brain.
's so we really want to go home that are even willing to run not to lose the train station, and no matter if it passes there and another 2 minutes. That train is mine!
Too bad in front of me like a very strong young man trudging with what looks like a trolley under-sized but overexploited by the load. Maybe it's an illicit transportation of stolen paving slabs in Piazza Duomo.
Although I have threatened to tumble down the stairs to try to avoid it with a style all my right in between Maradona dribbling and Alberto Tomba in unstoppable descent, I still can not overtake him. E 'wide me twice as high and a span of more, not counting the trolley, the plates are paved.
finish the stairs but he is still there, I run and it will drag but do not know how we are still at the same speed, he always saved before, I always pounding from behind.
My colleague Alex is smarter than me, and divert to another port, but I have the heavy ass and I know that if I move away I lose my train, and never!
finally manages to enter after I practically climbing on the shoulders of the barrel, but just to let him know that I would get on the train, if you are worthy to move ...
A moment later the doors close, Alessandra recovery that looks much more toned than mine and I draw between one and a sgrunt growl, his attention to the young man, handsome, stands in front of the door seraphic eating a bag of chips, whose content is poured into the mouth for 20%, 80% of the trolley.
We decided that, after all, is not exactly the worst thing that can be seen wandering through the subway every day, until the base part of Billie Jean pumped throttle, far too high a volume for the ringer a cell phone.
feel that pop and turn to the dude was only one thing: the trolley is actually an amplifier (Flavored chips).
And so part: the stem is square convinced at the door with a microphone, staring at the black tunnel that connects S. St. Augustine Ambrose, while Alex bursts into a " But he has the microphone! Oh he does? ????? Sing" .
Inevitable expected:
" mor lay people to Ski uas biuti Quin from a MUVI since ... "
And there, deep shame shame, we did not, absolutely not, not even wanting to. While the stem
imitates his way to the dance moves of Michael Jackson and attached to the poles as Tarzan of the carriage which holds the vine, Alessandra and I have now reached a skin tone more akin to the beet and we can not even look at him, because the more we look, the more we laugh.
The lady sitting in front of us then it seems hardly breathe ... At the stop
S. Ambrose, the young man tries to involve all the passengers as an entertainer " sing all together, even Peruvians! " because it is clear that the look with eyes wide open mouth accompanied by Peruvian lady must have hit.
And at the end of the song, like closing a big concert, we arrive to the greetings " now I go to Rome by her mother, but between a month I'll be back here and I'll be in great shape! .
What, in meter does not get bored!
Ingredients For the pastry: 180g flour 20g cocoa powder
90g soft butter 90g sugar 1 egg
a pinch of salt For the cream
(the base is the cream of Felder, with the addition of melted chocolate) :
500ml milk 120g of sugar (60g +60 g)
65g corn flour 2 eggs
a vanilla bean 150g of dark chocolate
For finishing: 125g blackberries 125g raspberries 250g blueberries
- Prepare the base by mixing flour, sugar, cocoa, salt and add the butter pieces. Then add the egg and mix well.
- Put in refrigerator for at least half an hour.
- Roll out the pastry into the pan, pierce the bottom with a fork, cover with baking paper and weights (ceramic or dried beans) and bake at 180 ° C for about half an hour.
- Prepare the filling: heat the milk con metà dello zucchero, i semi e la bacca di vaniglia.
- Intanto montare le uova con il restante zucchero e la maizena fino ad ottenere una crema gonfia e spumosa.
- Quando il latte bolle, aggiungere la crema di uovo e mescolare, tenendo la fiamma bassa, fino a quando non si addensa; ci vorrà davvero poco.
- Versare in un recipiente e coprire con la pellicola senza pvc in modo ben aderente alla superficie, per evitare che si ispessisca.
- Sciogliere a bagnomaria il cioccolato e versarlo sulla crema, mescolando velocemente. Per ottenere una crema uniforme e liscia, consiglio una bella passata con il frullatore ad immersione :)
- Versare la crema sulla crostata and garnish with the berries gently washed and dried.