Friday, March 11, 2011

Why Do Legs Ache At Night

Gateau Potato

Today I made the classic potato gateau, which you can prepare in a short time and with variations that you like .. Bon appetit!

Ingredients For the mash:
1 kg potatoes 350 g milk

Salt to taste 40 g grated Parmigiano Reggiano

40 g margarine For the filling: 2 eggs

300 g mozzarella
150 g cooked smoked ham

Pepper to taste Nutmeg to taste Breadcrumbs

to taste Preparation:

the mash I did with the bimby but you can still do it the traditional way.
Put in the cream jug of milk and the smoked ham, chop 5 Sec Vel. 7. Set aside.
Place the butterfly in the jar.
Peel potatoes and cut into slices and put them in the blender with milk and salt. Cook Min.100 25 ° speed. 1.
When cooked add the butter and cheese, mashed mount the Vel 4 30 Sec.
Combine eggs, mozzarella, smoked ham, pepper, nutmeg and chopped Sec.Vel.5 20 counterclockwise.
Pour the mixture into a greased baking sheet, sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Put
prangrattato also on the surface.
Bake in preheated oven. 180 degrees for the first 20 min then at 200 degrees for the last 20.
You can use stencils to make single servings, whereas cooking times vary.

Usually Dry Before Period

The Button-mania spreads!!

you ever having to wrap a gift and find that you have at home a ribbon or a bow worthy of being called that?

to me, and then you need .. VRTU! I remembered seeing something similar on the web .. and since I will miss the flakes but not the buttons .. here are some very simple but effective little package!









Ops .. not ask me why the pictures it says mother's heart .... l 'I had written on the photos for my little girl .. I came out automatically even on these .. is two hours trying to remove it but no success!!

This is my last post, some minor health problems and work made me decide to leave this beautiful adventure, a special thanks to my fellow Fulvia, Laura, and Manuel Silva , thanks guys for giving me the 'find everything to be part of this wonderful group, and thanks to all our supporters, your comments were valuable and rewarding.

Hugs to all!

What To The Colored Bracelets Stand For?

A trip to the tropics

I have already spoken of my sudden cravings and also the hammer that hits me in head every time you decide you want to do one thing and one only.
And so it was for the tarte tatin.
A real discovery, because although I had seen far and wide variations in thousands of greedy, I'm not there I had never applied before, nor I had ever tasted!
The curiosity was too strong and then when I saw the Tery tatin to kiwifruit, with a touch of chocolate that made her so special in its simplicity.
The tatin was therefore also take a ride in my part, just in time to greet and a tan in the oven.
As it happens I have a Brazilian colleague (Brasiiiillll parappappappaparappaaaaaaaa up on a little dance 'with me, fine jewels!) That had a few days before the birthday ...
I must admit that since I met her I discovered many fascinating sides of Brazilian cuisine, which in some ways it departs substantially from ours, it maintains those for other broadcasts of European influences since the Great colonization.
In all this, the tatin what the heck you talking about? Nothing.
But for once I wanted to fly even a little 'in Brazil, since per ora le tasche mi tengono ancorata a questo continente :(
E se la mia fantasia di certo non mi impedisce di prendere un aereo immaginario verso i tropici, io le do una mano con un assaggio dei profumi di quella terra, mischiando cocco, ananas e cannella.
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away...chi viene con me?? :)



Per la pasta brisè:
200g di farina 00
100g di cold butter into pieces
abundant beautiful two tablespoons desiccated coconut flakes
two tablespoons of sugar (optional, La Brisa do not usually sugar, but I wanted to give a push to the taste of coconut)
a bit 'of cold water (about 30ml, but it is better to pour it slowly depending on the absorbency of your flour) a pinch of salt

For the fruit: pineapple
half (if it's nice and sweet ripe is better)
80g sugar + extra for the bottom of the cake
50g butter + extra for the bottom of the cake cinnamon

- Clean Raw pineapple before cutting. Then slice the slices sottili, spesse circa 3 mm.
- Accendere il forno a 190°C.
- Preparare la brisè: mescolare tutti gli ingredienti secchi e aggiungere il burro; lavorare velocemente aggiungendo poco a poco l'acqua per avere un impasto simile alla pasta frolla, morbido ma elastico.
- Stirarla in uno spessore di circa mezzo cm avendo cura di formare un cerchio che superi la circonferenza dello stampo di almeno un cm. Questo serve a "rimboccare" poi il bordo della tatin sopra la frutta.
- Ungere la teglia con un pezzetto di burro e spolverarci sopra un po' di zucchero, soprattutto sui bordi. Sconsiglio caldamente l'uso di uno stampo a cerniera, il caramello esce, e che pasticcio!
- Prepare the caramel in a saucepan heat sugar, butter and cinnamon. When texture takes a little denser than the liquid, pour it on the bottom of the pan.
- Place the pineapple slices at once from the center outward, overlapping a little at each turn. Be careful not to touch or the caramel will be hot!
- Cover with brisa, bucherellatela well and cook for half an hour, or until golden brown, at the upper middle of the oven.
- Once out of the oven, immediately turn it on a plate. This operation must be done immediately because it congeals quickly in caramel.

And finally I want to thank very much Paola for giving me a sweet prize!

I am a landslide in choosing other blog because I like a lot more than just 10 ... I would not be able to do a ranking! So this award is for all those who passarenno from me: D
Feel free to download it!
nice weekend: *

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Martial Arts Shop Istanbul


- Sai, come diceva Kierkegaard...
- Chi?!
- Soren Kierkegaard!
- Il centravanti del Goteborg?
- Il filosofo!!
- Aaah, era detto "il filosofo", allora non era centravanti, era regista!
- Ossignore! Era un filosofo danese del 1800.
- Io di danesi conosco solo i biscotti al burro, quelli che alzano il colesterolo anche solo leggendo l'etichetta della scatola.
- Ho presente ma non c'entra un cazzo. Insomma, vuoi sapere cosa diceva Kierkegaard oppure no?
- Ho qualche speranza che, dicendo no tu non me lo dica?
- Nessuna.
- Ok, cosa diceva Kierkegaard? Sono curiosissimo...
- said: "Life can only be understood looking back, but you can only live looking ahead" .
- So, how do you do and you got your ass!
- Your gift of synthesis amazes me every time.

dialogue is invented, are just two of my personality too much talking to each other: D

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cole Slaw In A Bread Bowl

The trip meter

E 'on a Friday night, the last working day of the week and already I'm ready to pull the brain.
's so we really want to go home that are even willing to run not to lose the train station, and no matter if it passes there and another 2 minutes. That train is mine!
Too bad in front of me like a very strong young man trudging with what looks like a trolley under-sized but overexploited by the load. Maybe it's an illicit transportation of stolen paving slabs in Piazza Duomo.
Although I have threatened to tumble down the stairs to try to avoid it with a style all my right in between Maradona dribbling and Alberto Tomba in unstoppable descent, I still can not overtake him. E 'wide me twice as high and a span of more, not counting the trolley, the plates are paved.
finish the stairs but he is still there, I run and it will drag but do not know how we are still at the same speed, he always saved before, I always pounding from behind.
My colleague Alex is smarter than me, and divert to another port, but I have the heavy ass and I know that if I move away I lose my train, and never!
finally manages to enter after I practically climbing on the shoulders of the barrel, but just to let him know that I would get on the train, if you are worthy to move ...
A moment later the doors close, Alessandra recovery that looks much more toned than mine and I draw between one and a sgrunt growl, his attention to the young man, handsome, stands in front of the door seraphic eating a bag of chips, whose content is poured into the mouth for 20%, 80% of the trolley.
We decided that, after all, is not exactly the worst thing that can be seen wandering through the subway every day, until the base part of Billie Jean pumped throttle, far too high a volume for the ringer a cell phone.
feel that pop and turn to the dude was only one thing: the trolley is actually an amplifier (Flavored chips).
And so part: the stem is square convinced at the door with a microphone, staring at the black tunnel that connects S. St. Augustine Ambrose, while Alex bursts into a " But he has the microphone! Oh he does? ????? Sing" .
Inevitable expected:
" mor lay people to Ski uas biuti Quin from a MUVI since ... "
And there, deep shame shame, we did not, absolutely not, not even wanting to. While the stem
imitates his way to the dance moves of Michael Jackson and attached to the poles as Tarzan of the carriage which holds the vine, Alessandra and I have now reached a skin tone more akin to the beet and we can not even look at him, because the more we look, the more we laugh.
The lady sitting in front of us then it seems hardly breathe ... At the stop
S. Ambrose, the young man tries to involve all the passengers as an entertainer " sing all together, even Peruvians! " because it is clear that the look with eyes wide open mouth accompanied by Peruvian lady must have hit.
And at the end of the song, like closing a big concert, we arrive to the greetings " now I go to Rome by her mother, but between a month I'll be back here and I'll be in great shape! .
What, in meter does not get bored!


Ingredients For the pastry: 180g

flour 20g cocoa powder

90g soft butter 90g sugar 1 egg

a pinch of salt For the cream

(the base is the cream of Felder, with the addition of melted chocolate) :

500ml milk 120g of sugar (60g +60 g)
65g corn flour 2 eggs

a vanilla bean 150g of dark chocolate

For finishing:

125g blackberries 125g raspberries 250g blueberries

- Prepare the base by mixing flour, sugar, cocoa, salt and add the butter pieces. Then add the egg and mix well.
- Put in refrigerator for at least half an hour.
- Roll out the pastry into the pan, pierce the bottom with a fork, cover with baking paper and weights (ceramic or dried beans) and bake at 180 ° C for about half an hour.
- Prepare the filling: heat the milk con metà dello zucchero, i semi e la bacca di vaniglia. 
- Intanto montare le uova con il restante zucchero e la maizena fino ad ottenere una crema gonfia e spumosa.
- Quando il latte bolle, aggiungere la crema di uovo e mescolare, tenendo la fiamma bassa, fino a quando non si addensa; ci vorrà davvero poco.
- Versare in un recipiente e coprire con la pellicola senza pvc in modo ben aderente alla superficie, per evitare che si ispessisca.
- Sciogliere a bagnomaria il cioccolato e versarlo sulla crema, mescolando velocemente. Per ottenere una crema uniforme e liscia, consiglio una bella passata con il frullatore ad immersione :)
- Versare la crema sulla crostata and garnish with the berries gently washed and dried.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jibjab Member Accounts

March 8

Best wishes to all women and good Carnival!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Supersonic Sc-499d 9 Portable Lcd Tv Review

Chatter carnival

Ingredients: 250g flour

20g caster sugar 25g butter, softened 2 eggs

2 tablespoons Marsala wine (or liqueur of your choice)

grated rind of half a lemon 1 / 2 packet of baking powder a pinch of salt

oil for frying powdered sugar vanilla

Procedure: If you have a mixer
bimby or just put all the ingredients together and knead. Pour
flour on a work surface and form a fountain in the center put a pinch of salt, sugar, lemon zest and baking powder.
Beat eggs and add two tablespoons of Marsala wine and butter into small pieces.
ammalgamare ingredients and knead the dough until dough is smooth and homogeneous.
a ball, cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 min.
Take 1 / 3 of the dough, roll it out until a thin sheet, and divide them into ten rectangles helping with the cutter wheel.
Soak the rectangles of dough in hot oil at 180 ° until a uniform browning.
After cooking, let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar icing.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Best Prosumer Camcorders

Biscuits Coconut Cake

Questa biscotteria è ottonuta dallo stesso impasto, ma si posso aggiungere delle varianti....

170g farina di cocco
2 uova
40g farina
200g zucchero
1 bustina di vanillina
un pizzico di sale

Io ho impastato con il bimby ma si può tranquillamente farlo a mano o con le fruste.
Versare tutti gli ingredienti nel boccale e fatte ammalgamare per 10 sec. vel. 6.
Dare la forma desiderata.Cuocere in a preheated oven at 160 ° C for 15 minutes.

Here I added cocoa powder

Here I added the chocolate wafer crumbs

Here I added red food coloring and then I made the initials of my loves

here I have been in small groove where I added the apricot jam

Friday, March 4, 2011

Crest Pro-health Toothpaste Side Effects


Dear Friends,
this time you step over a small idea 'that a project' cause I'm moving and I have not had much time to prepare something more 'challenging. Certainly not 'a new idea but' sometimes we forget the things that already 'know you and you use enough, I doubt I'd forgotten how much and' easy to get custom buttons with little expense and I enjoyed create these
I used this cheap woodwind instruments you can buy it here ......

or a very similar but you can buy here in Italy ....

Just proceed as in the pictures below and the button and 'done.

tutorial buttons
To my buttons I used a vintage linen napkin and then I painted with acrylic paints and written with a pen and graphics of vintage lace and beads, then I made the tassel with cotton for work crochet.

's an idea that you can customize pretty more like 'you like it and it' a perfect little gift. Have a good weekend!

Western Themedrehearsal Dinner Table Decorations

always more beautiful than I did on Friday

Yes, I have transgressed.
I succumbed to temptation, I did not go to work Friday. I was at home in good company, so I did!
But you understand?
spoke of brunch:)
I do not like regular appointments in general because I'm a fickle person, by the sudden cravings. Although sometimes I like to follow certain rituals (such as the Wednesday night svaccata eaten pizza on the couch with my love watching a good movie) penso che sia bello stravolgere i piccoli canoni, giusto per il gusto di farlo, perchè così un appuntamento abituale guadagna quel "che" in più.
Capirai, direte voi, ma io sono fatta così :D

Sta di fatto che venerdì scorso ero a casa con la febbre :( ma in casa avevo una dolce ospite, la mia adorata cuginetta Eli. La voglia di cucinare però non si schioda nemmeno a forza e così ho deciso, tra una foto, una spettegolata e tante risate, di anticipare il brunch della domenica al venerdì, mettendo un po' di sale nei pancakes :)

L'idea dei pancakes con la ricotta l'avevo già vista da Tuki (una donna, un mito) e poco tempo fa mi era stata suggerita anche da lei ; io ero dotata in frigo solo della ricotta di bufala, decisamente più saporita di quella vaccina, et voilà! Con l'aggiunta di un po' di pesto nella pastella, ecco i pancakes salati!


Ingredienti per circa 10 pancakes

200g di farina 00
200g di ricotta di bufala
260g di latte
2 albumi
un cucchiaino di lievito per preparati salati (non il lievito di birra secco, ma quello bianco)
6 tablespoons of pesto (but goes to taste)

tomatoes (no salt because I put the pesto and ricotta are already flavorful of them)

- In a large bowl, sift flour with yeast. Separately, sift well the ricotta to make it softer.
- Pour milk in flour gradually and mix well, also add the pesto and ricotta.
- Then add the egg whites: I added them without mounting, but if you whisk the pancake will be even more "frothy".
- Preheat a pan and pour a ladle of batter at a time. No need to grease the pot because it already contains the pesto oil, the pancakes will not stick.
- Cook a few minutes on each side and serve with fresh tomatoes.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Male Body Waxing What To Expect

400 words

Yesterday it rained. Much. The windshield wipers moving buckets of water to every brush stroke and did not even have time to go back that had to move again. I thought I had an umbrella, in the prehistory of adolescence. Anche adesso ho un ombrello, anche più di uno ma sono ombrelli comunitari, di tutta la famiglia; nella preistoria dell'adolescenza avevo un ombrello tutto mio, era l'ombrello di mio nonno ed era mio; l'ho voluto quando mio nonno non c'è più stato, e l'ho avuto. Questo ombrello, nero, con il manico di pelle, nera, e la punta in metallo, era grande, da riparare due persone meno due spalle, ma a me non importava perché ero uno e quindi mi riparavo tutto per bene; i vantaggi dell'essere uno. A volte ospitavo sotto l'ombrello qualche amico ma erano passaggi saltuari, la maggior parte delle volte ero uno e mi salvavo dalla pioggia. Se non pioveva ma minacciava di farlo, con nuvole tutte grigie e compatte, portavo il mio ombrello con me e lo usavo a mo di bastone oppure, con la punta di metallo, schiacciavo con estrema precisione le ghiande cadute dagli alberi del viale. Nella preistoria dell'adolescenza, come diceva De Andrè, “mi innamoravo di tutto” , e andavo anche alle feste, anche quelle in maschera, quelle del carnevale; un anno mi sono vestito come Rosario Chiarchiaro, il protagonista de “La patente” di Pirandello, come lo fa Totò in una delle sue interpretazioni. Tutto fatto per bene: l'abito nero, il panciotto nero, la camicia bianca e la cravatta nera con il nodo piccolo, un po' storto ed allargato, i calzini neri e le scarpe nere di suola, i guanti neri, l'occhiale nero dalle lenti piccole e tonde e la bombetta nera, i baffetti neri, rasati con cura dopo averli fatti crescere, in previsione, e poi, come tocco finale, il mio ombrello nero con il manico di pelle, nera. Perfetto. Un giorno ho prestato l'ombrello a mio fratello, doveva andare a fare un servizio con la macchina; quando ho ripreso l'ombrello dalla macchina non era lo stesso, si era confuso, era un semplice ombrello nero con il manico di legno marrone. Credo che si sia rotto quasi subito, forse sentendosi non amato, ed io da allora non ho più un ombrello mio, a volte uso il primo che trovo, a volte preferisco bagnarmi la testa.

Quattrocento parole per il mio post numero quattrocento (comprese queste qui)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Replace Cigarette Lighter Receptacle

Untitled and without an umbrella.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Flexx Fitness Testbericht

Well you still apples! Today I present my apple pie ... let me know what you think, bye!

Ingredients for the dough:

1 egg (60g)
550g flour 10g salt

200g margarine 100g caster sugar 100g water

For the filling: 1 kg of apples

(mature) in golden

slices 100g caster sugar 1 / 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
30g potato flour 10g

maraschino juice 1 / 2 lemon


bimbyt31 Version:
Put the flour in the bowl first and then the other ingredients and knead for 40 seconds. vel. 4/5.Togliere the mixture from the jug wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for 15 minutes.

If you have the first planetary kneading the butter, zucchero e sale. Poi unite l’acqua, le uova e in ultimo la farina e lavorate l’impasto fino ad ottenere una pasta elastica ed omogenea.

Condite le mele con lo zucchero il succo di limone, la vanillina e la fecola di patate e il maraschino. Far macerare per qualche minuto.

Stendete la pasta sottilmente con l’aiuto della carta da forno, rivestite uno stampo per torte e bucherellare con una forchetta e riempite con il composto di mele (si può aggiungere anche un leggero strato di pan di spagna sul fondo).

Coprite con un altro foglio di pasta già bucherellato, sigillate bene i bordi, spennellate con burro fuso e spolverate con zucchero semolato. Fate cuocere in forno ventilato a 180°C per i primi 30 min. poi a 200°C per altri 10 min. deve risultare dorata.