Here I am at last, dear amiche.Avevo just want to share with you my new passion ... the cartonnage.Tempo ago a friend of mine, gave me a scrap of cardboard that her husband uses for the templates of sofas fodera.E 'a very nice board and two thicknesses diversi.Pensa you think back, I tried to make a scatola.Vi say, perfectionist and critical as they are, I made two or three daubs understand the technique before, but I must say that I was passionate parecchio.Visto that this post will be longish, make yourself comfortable and I ask you a single kindness, if you have ideas, suggestions or questions, leave a comment, I will answer as soon as possible. We begin by
indispensabile.Una base material cutting, glue PVA glue (which will be used slightly diluted), masking tape, metal ruler, pencil, fine tip, Tagliarino.

First, you cut the pieces that will make up the scatola.Le measures are subjective and usually are decided based on the embroidery that utilzzerà.Ricordatevi, which is a work of precision and that a millimeter makes differenza.Quando have mounted the two sides of the box, the length of the side remember to always increase, the thickness of cartoncino.Esempio if the side of a square box is 15 cm. two sides measured 15 cm. 15.4 the other two because the thickness of the cardboard used is 2mm.Lo same goes for the cover but increased by about 6 mm. , So that the cover remains, of course everything is more largo.Il mounted using the masking tape, trying not to create too thick, which otherwise would serve under the stoffa.Purtroppo a thinner tape, used to but I cartonnage I can not recover.

A questo punto si inizia a ricoprire con la stoffa.Anche qui una precisazione.La stoffa deve essere di buona qualità con trama piuttosto fitta e mi raccomando non esagerate con la colla

Dovete ritagliare una striscia lunga il perimetro della scatola e ricoprire tutte le parti laterali.Sul fondo della scatola tagliate con la forbice dei triangolini e ripiegate e incollate verso l'interno.

Il cartone che viene utilizzato per foderare l'interno e per i fondi delle scatole ha uno spessore più basso.Io utilizzo quello di 1 mm. ma ancora meglio è quello di recupero(interno Pantyhose, cereal box etc).
To measure the fund size in a piece of cardboard that is covered with fabric and sticks with the help of the terminals. The lid was lined.

The inside of the box and of course the inside of the lid is made by cutting piece by piece, the various sides and lined with tessuto.Le accurately measure should be taken not to leave unsightly gaps.

This is the result finale.Ho stitched on aida fabric 55 and the finished embroidery is about 13cm to 11.50 cm.Il an original embroidery design is drawn by me, and that gift that you can download here
I hope you curious to try this technique that is full of meravigliosi.Cosa projects could be better than to create a custom box for a gift, a particular object or a collection to store special memories.
a big kiss see you soon Laura
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