Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Ct4870 Working With Vista
Dear friends this time I propose to design a truly statement for the creation of a container in shabby chic style. I used 3 pots of peat, the ones that are used for planting seed. In Italy and sells them to the Jiffy can be found at nurseries. As a support I used a card that I had (I always reuse the cards of sketchbooks, this was particularly thick and strong), I cut out the special boxcutter and then I sanded the edges with sandpaper. I used an offset of 5 or 6 mm but not having the saw I have arranged.
Here ..... http://www.4shared.com/document/JH6_nDjm/sagoma_.html find the design of the support, you just have to stretch it to 8.5 cm for the shape I used. The jars I used 6x8 therefore measure 'if the vs are more' big zoom you will have the mount design.
INSTRUCTIONS - the colors of the American Art Deco Painting
support Toffee with a coat of color and then another hand only on the edges. Blow dry. Rub the edges with a candle. Repaint the surface with a fine coat of Light Buttermilk mixed with Warm White (1:1). Dry and then rub the edges with a stainless steel wool to remove the color and make it 'to see the underlying color to create the effect shabby. The support and 'ready.
Cups - give one coat of paint to cover the jars without all shabby instantaneous effect. Painting the interior. The colors I used are Spa Blue, Soft Peach and Light Buttermilk. For the best color more 'soft I mixed it with Light Buttermilk Spa Blue (1:1).
Peach Soft Light with buttermilk (1:1) and Warm White Light with buttermilk (1:1).
jar left - a combination of dots and Spa Blue made with the blend of Soft Peach.
jar center - a combination of buttermilk and dots made of Light Toffee.
jar right - a combination of Soft Peach and dots made with a mixture of Spa Blue.
I wanted dots non ben definiti e allora ho usato il Berry Maker Medium che e' quello strumentino della Loew cornell per fare le bacche. Chi non l'avesse puo' usare il dito mignolo "a' la Shara Reiner" o la punta del manico di un pennello per fare i puntini.
Non ho dato nessun tipo di vernice finale, chi volesse puo' dare una mano protettiva di cera al supporto ma i vasetti sono belli cosi' come sono senza finitura. Prima di incollarli o inchiodarli al supporto li ho abbelliti con del pizzo e bottoni vintage  poi ho abbellito anche il supporto in alto con un bel bottone vintage e del nastro color crema stropicciato.
This container and 's very easy to keep us in an endless' small things .. I have photographed in lace just 'cause if I put the buttons in the picture would not have seen. Note that you can do any size .. if you have a long strip of wood that you can nail it moves up 5 or 6 jars and even more 'and then hang on the wall and must not be shabby chic style and even made with Jiffy ... and 'the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a container wall with everything you' set aside '. I've seen so 're also containers of chips that give you at McDonald's .... painted in bright colors and decorated with lines and dots and nailed to a wooden panel color are the perfect container craft room.
next time and Happy Crafting!
Yeast Infection Brazillians
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
English Movie Women Works In Gloryhole
Kary Mullis - Ballando nudi nel campo della mente
Solo noi, in Italia, da circa vent'anni cerchiamo di risolvere i problemi sempre con la stessa soluzione...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Repair Plastic On Headphone Cord
I think using the box to put material waiting to be scrapbooking: images, phrases I like, sketches and ideas for titles for future layouts or mini album ... but it is an idea that can be used for different purposes.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Twilight Monopoly Game
Well there is still time ....
Then choose another method of inspiration
Subject: Pin-up
Exterior night quay
Subject: package paper
far easier is not it?!
added difficulty: tamed monkey-swing hanging from a tree branch - sung mass.
It's about having fun, is not it, well, it took me a long time 'but finally the post by the words of the fox is ready
A pile of dirty snow
I always do the night shift I suffer from insomnia, all I've seen at most gives me a few hours of troubled sleep and wakefulness of the most exhausting, and then at night I always liked real people you meet, the hours of the night to clear the mask that all normal wear during the day. "We had a report of a corpse thirty-two the pier of the port commissioner, who does? With me? "Is almost one and he just made an anonymous phone call echoing rooms of the police, my assistant came forward making a slight knock and stares at me with tired eyes of those who saw one too , the question has made me a formality, we know too well, we'll also know that I, as always. When we arrive at the port of the cold mistral wind from the sea face cuts us climbing over the collar turned up, the corpse is really behind a container, just in front of the pier to pier thirty-two , a girl, pale, lunghi capelli neri a cornice del volto, un taglio ad aprirle il collo come un secondo sorriso e tutt'intorno una pozza di sangue vermiglio; gettata lì, come un rifiuto, vicino ad un cumulo di neve sporca. Ad individuare chi è ci mettiamo poco, vicino al corpo c'è una borsa e non è stato rubato nulla, documenti, soldi, cellulare. Si chiamava Marie Swan ed aveva ventidue anni, faceva la pin up in un locale di burlesque del centro; indossa ancora il costume con pizzi e bustino che, probabilmente, usava sul lavoro; nella mano sinistra stringe un foglietto di carta con una frase in corsivo elegante: “Lo farò ancora”. La storia di Marie è quella di tante; un piccolo paese di provincia, life is always the same for generations, school, church choir, perhaps the role of soloist in sung Mass on Easter or Christmas and the dreams begin to feel tight. It come so many here in town, girls like her, have some luck, others meet the wrong person, as has happened to Marie, and end up in a game bigger than themselves. Some believe that the worst of this work are the victims of the slaughter of them that the human is capable of doing, but it is not, and who is the worst thing, look into the eyes of a husband, a son, a mother, and say what happened, you see the pain I feel, you get strong in the face, like a slap and then see all the doubts and questions of the world off the view of who you are dealing with. Not delegate this task never, I always do I, as an atonement for the evils of the world, even in this case do so, I decided to take me to an agent in a quiet trip to the province, oblivious to a relative, before discover it in some other way. The childhood home of Marie is a villa on the outskirts, a meadow and some trees and bushes, one of them, a bit 'on the left side of the house, hanging from a sturdy branch, an old swing that will surely accompanied many moments of Marie and I can almost see her trying to grab the sky, trying to get higher. The woman who I am open to less than fifty years, long-haired blacks as the daughter and holding a towel to dry freshly washed dishes. When I tell who is the smile flattens into a look of concern, it makes me sit in a bright room with a window overlooking the garden where you see the trees and the perfect swing. The room is full of pictures of Marie, his childhood, just before her on the table, there is one in which one of about ten years Marie in his arms, amused, tamed a monkey, of those with the red waistcoat and fez, probably taken at a fair or a circus. When I tell you what happened while I recite the script of the usual formalities, his knuckles whiten the cloth and squeezing it explodes in a silent cry, holding her head in her hands. He tells me of his daughter, his life and choices, its not always be her affection through a phone call, a letter, listening without saying anything, I have come to that, to absorb his words. When I'm going away at the door, I realize I still have pocketed the slip of paper that we found in his hand, "I'll do it again" and looking in your eyes off this woman now, I do what a good cop should not ever do : I promise.
Just one last thing, a dedication, and on 14 December last year was the twentieth anniversary of the death of Friedrich Dürrenmatt and last January 5 novantennale birth; Dürrenmatt consider a great writer who has reconstructed the crime novel, for this reason, this post is dedicated to his memory.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
How To Make Your Own E Fed
Comincio subito con il chiedere scusa per le pessime foto di questo post...fatte di corsa, non controllate...ma ormai questi oggettini hanno trovato una nuova casa! Bhe' dai mi rifaro'...
Le feste sono ormai trascorse, pero' puo' capitare di dover fare un regalino e non avere molto tempo...voglio mostrarvi un paio di ideuzze piuttosto veloci da realizzare...quello che ci occorrera' sono delle cornici portafoto grezze, rete metallica (e secondo voi poteva mancare?), carta, stoffa e un pizzico di fantasia!
Ma veniamo al primo progettino, un pannellino porta memo o frame. (I like to use this second more! '). The material ... 13X18 3 frames, network, scraps of cloth, buttons, string, acrylic paint Light Buttermilk.

This is the panel!

First, I cut three pieces of mesh size and have them freed on the back of the frames with sparapunti; millechiodi I glued the frames together on the long side, I gave a little 'furniture wax edges, and painted everything with acrylic. Now you can create the effect shabby with sandpaper, past where you put the wax. I do this I first stamped here and there 'frames using a color that does not stand out too much.
For the decorations I made three flowers with trimmed linen, following the steps I have described here and I glued a button in the center of wood. I cut out three circles of cardboard in size and have them sewn on the network, the center of each frame, and then I glued the flowers on the card.
On one side I glued two buttons, when I passed the string, at both ends':
this will serve 'to hang sheets or photos of the ... small springs with decorations of cloth and cardboard here and there' and the game and 'done ... we need more' to tell that to achieve it, believe me !!!!!

The second idea you want to show it 's another panel to take notes ... We needed a frame of the action more' you like a notebook, wire mesh, colored paper ...

I chose very bright colors, suited to the kitchen of the person to whom I gave!

For this project I cut a piece of network and I set the frame, and if you want you can paint the frame, I preferred to leave it unfinished. I made with colored paper decorations.

I held the cover of the notebook and I sewed the back cover of cardboard on the net (better to drill holes with an awl before sewing). A beautiful written on one side (I used a white cardboard alphabet sticker printing) ... done!!
I hope you have some ideuzza! Until next time, Manu
Problems With Matsui Tv/dvd
The reason for this statement?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
3 Pay Mobile Broadband Dongle Hack
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Pre Made Lace Wig Caps
Care befanelle my good evening ... ... here is the time for 'removal of the blog candy .. the first random list of the posts from which to make the 'extraction of the winners and the result is this:
List Randomizer There Were 10 items in your list. Here They Are in random order:
- quick gift idea
- wire paper wood e..
- autum bag waiting for Christmas
- lavender
- never throw anything
- magic magic
- owls
- Christmas party for the table
- rearranging drawers
Timestamp: 06/01/2011 17:53:03 UTC
for where only the girls who have left a comment the first four places you can award the prizes and now in no particular order ... ..
wins the pattern of the sheep Manu
Betsabe '
List Randomizer There Were 16 items in your list. Here They Are in random order:
- Betsabe
- the bibetti
- bida
- giovanna
- clem
- rita
- rosaria
- monica
- enza
- valentina
- robbyroby
- effeelle
- roberta
- Galadriel
- nightfairy
- andreaocchineri
Timestamp: 2011 -01-06 18:08:35 UTC
won the notebook Laura
List Randomizer There Were 20 items in your list. Here They Are in random order:
- rita
- ilaria
- monica
- cricri
- mery
- simona
- Towanda
- refuge from all
- Almayer
- clear
- creativa.mente
- ciacchina
- Galadriel
- merby
- maintenance
- eleonora
- naightfairy
- Betsabe
- mely
- mary
Timestamp: 01/06/2011 18:17:37 UTC
do not know why the 'clock back a randomizer is' now .. 19:20 since they are going to cook dinner .. I'll be back a bit '....
I'm back this is the 'extraction scheme Silva e la fortunella è….
List Randomizer
There were 28 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- simona
- con il cuore e le mani
- laura
- bussola
- rita
- la bottega di melany
- rosanna
- galadrier
- getta
- lolli
- milena
- titti
- madame chantilly
- manu
- sonia
- monica
- andreja
- ricami e biscotti
- roberta
- nightfairy
- annarita
- creativando
- rosa
- fabrizia
- lizzie busy
- manuela
- betsabè
- viola
Timestamp: 2011-01-06 21:17:43 UTC
e per finire il cuore di Eliana lo vince….
List Randomizer
There were 12 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
- nightfairy
- fiore-crea
- bestabè
- dona
- verde salvia
- katia
- galadriel
- monica
- roberta
- rita
- manuela
- giulia
Timestamp: 01/06/2011 21:26:04 UTC
recapping the winners are:
expect your address and as soon as possible the postman will ring twice! Stay tuned
many .. because here is like the big brother
... ... ... ... ... ALL MAY 'happen ... ... .... A hug