Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ct4870 Working With Vista


Dear friends this time I propose to design a truly statement for the creation of a container in shabby chic style. I used 3 pots of peat, the ones that are used for planting seed. In Italy and sells them to the Jiffy can be found at nurseries. As a support I used a card that I had (I always reuse the cards of sketchbooks, this was particularly thick and strong), I cut out the special boxcutter and then I sanded the edges with sandpaper. I used an offset of 5 or 6 mm but not having the saw I have arranged.

Here ..... find the design of the support, you just have to stretch it to 8.5 cm for the shape I used. The jars I used 6x8 therefore measure 'if the vs are more' big zoom you will have the mount design.

INSTRUCTIONS - the colors of the American Art Deco Painting
support Toffee with a coat of color and then another hand only on the edges. Blow dry. Rub the edges with a candle. Repaint the surface with a fine coat of Light Buttermilk mixed with Warm White (1:1). Dry and then rub the edges with a stainless steel wool to remove the color and make it 'to see the underlying color to create the effect shabby. The support and 'ready.

Cups - give one coat of paint to cover the jars without all shabby instantaneous effect. Painting the interior. The colors I used are Spa Blue, Soft Peach and Light Buttermilk. For the best color more 'soft I mixed it with Light Buttermilk Spa Blue (1:1).
Peach Soft Light with buttermilk (1:1) and Warm White Light with buttermilk (1:1).

jar left - a combination of dots and Spa Blue made with the blend of Soft Peach.
jar center - a combination of buttermilk and dots made of Light Toffee.
jar right - a combination of Soft Peach and dots made with a mixture of Spa Blue.

I wanted dots non ben definiti e allora ho usato il Berry Maker Medium che e' quello strumentino della Loew cornell per fare le bacche. Chi non l'avesse puo' usare il dito mignolo "a' la Shara Reiner" o la punta del manico di un pennello per fare i puntini.

Non ho dato nessun tipo di vernice finale, chi volesse puo' dare una mano protettiva di cera al supporto ma i vasetti sono belli cosi' come sono senza finitura. Prima di incollarli o inchiodarli al supporto li ho abbelliti con del pizzo e bottoni vintage  poi ho abbellito anche il supporto in alto con un bel bottone vintage e del nastro color crema stropicciato.

This container and 's very easy to keep us in an endless' small things .. I have photographed in lace just 'cause if I put the buttons in the picture would not have seen. Note that you can do any size .. if you have a long strip of wood that you can nail it moves up 5 or 6 jars and even more 'and then hang on the wall and must not be shabby chic style and even made with Jiffy ... and 'the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a container wall with everything you' set aside '. I've seen so 're also containers of chips that give you at McDonald's .... painted in bright colors and decorated with lines and dots and nailed to a wooden panel color are the perfect container craft room.

next time and Happy Crafting!



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