"What you have do is solve a riddle. and puzzles, you have to do is think for a while ', considering all the facts you can discover and then make an educated guess. Propose a solution. The next step is to do everything possible to refute it. Show that the pieces do not fit the way you had proposed: If you can propose another solution. And then try again. Reality is a tricky puzzle. happen that some pieces get stuck together, even though that's not really their place. Some solutions seem right for a while 'time, but then they fizzle. The solution that takes into account all relevant facts, and can not be overturned - all the pieces into place without forcing, and new ones are suitable for those che già abbiamo - probabilmente è quello che stavi cercando"
Kary Mullis - Ballando nudi nel campo della mente
Solo noi, in Italia, da circa vent'anni cerchiamo di risolvere i problemi sempre con la stessa soluzione...
Kary Mullis - Ballando nudi nel campo della mente
Solo noi, in Italia, da circa vent'anni cerchiamo di risolvere i problemi sempre con la stessa soluzione...
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