Saturday, October 30, 2010

Differnce Between Rosacea And Basal Cell


The other day, the spokesman of the People of Freedom party, Capezzone, seems to have been attacked and hit with a punch from a guy who then ran away, and I think that Violence is never a good way to react to things, especially because, even if it has reason on his side, the violence will always put you in the wrong. That said I must also confess that, heard the news, I had a feeling of pleasure, I'm a monster? I do not think, at least not for this, because I knew that was not an armed attack, was not an assault group (which, however, happens very often that I know, gay couples who go around alone much to walk but only a tenth of a media return (but that's another story (here I start again with the brackets (I'll stop now )))), was not disproportionate force, and not had too many damage and to stigmatize the same, it is clear, however, there was this same feeling of pleasure and this slight envy for those who had made that gesture, but why? Yes, I asked the reason for these feelings, for I believe that to be a balanced person and democratic, I felt a bit 'of pleasure in knowing that this man was beaten? Then I analyzed the story and situation, we live in a period of tension, you can not hide this, they are told to justify absurd behavior of the institutions which cry and who should do something does not mean anything and then you feel frustrated but this is enough? There are at least sixteen years who, in turn, dozens people have said the same bales, because the thrill just to this guy here? I thought about the thousands of times the subject has appeared on television to tell her and I realized, is not only what is said but how it is said, the face with which it is said. There, in the words, veiled in the good Italian, the arrogance and presumption, the arrogance and the conviction to be the "healthy carrier of the truth" and I realized that this is what made the difference. But seeing as I was, I was thinking (not that it happens so often), I wondered if he alone, Capezzone, and I was so agreed with me that, unfortunately, of Capezzone there are many, the Capezzone are not what they say in anger " did not understand a shit" , the Capezzone are those who say with a smile "you can not understand" , as if you I was the last goat on earth, the Capezzone are not the ones that make the subtle irony, are those that make bad sarcasm, the Capezzone are not what you hear are the ones who interrupt you because "you're not saying anything sensible " i Capezzone are not those who fight for an idea, but honestly who drool like rabid dogs against an idea; the Capezzone are not the ones who say "I do not like" , are those who say "sucks" . Of Capezzone , alas, there are everywhere, in every category, work, class, party, thought to Capezzone is full of the world and I, frankly, he sometimes, I have the balls full.

add something because it seems to me that there is a moment of confusion, this post is not about Capezzone and what has sustained, but on human behavior, to some people who, rightly or wrongly, believe that their point of view of both the verb and that this allows him to be able to laugh and spit on that of others!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Florida Drivers License Red Flagged


Eccomi qui con un nuovo tutorial facile-facile ideale per le meno esperte di cucito,che si vogliono cimentare nella realizzazione di una comoda borsa.Questo mese ho una modella in esclusiva la mia nipotona Alice!!!Eccola qui con la borsa che in pochi passi vi spiego come realizzare.

Per prima cosa ritagliate il tessuto che vi servirà per fare l'esterno della borsa,in questo caso ho scelto un bel tessuto di velluto verdone.Ho poi applicato questo funghetto.Potete trovare qui il modello insieme ad un altro disegno ideale per questo periodo.

Nella stoffa interna,che servirà per la fodera,ho applicato una tasca.Le dimensioni della borsa sono indicativamente queste 50x40.

Tagliare poi due strisce di tessuto di velluto lunghe 70 cm.

Cucirle al rovescio,svoltare il tessuto e per ultimo fare una cucitura lungo i bordi.

Fissare con degli spilli le bretelle,stando attente di tenere la cucitura delle bretelle verso l'interno.
Appoggiare il tessuto della fodera e cucire il tutto per entrambe le parti.

Dovete stare molto attente nel cucire la parte dove si sormontano le stoffe del davanti e del retro, altimenti non combaceranno e si vedranno poi sull'esterno.

A questo punto appoggiate le due parti della fodera con le due parti dell'esterno,sempre dritto con dritto e tenete le bretelle sotto la parte dell'esterno della borsa.La parte bianca che intravedete in questa foto è della fisellina ,del fabric that stretches directly on the fabric to strengthen, harden to give a certain body the whole.

basted After the outline, make a nice seam around the perimeter, leaving a small opening at the bottom of fodera.Vi borsa.Dopo your help to turn a small hand sewing to close the slot, insert the lining inside the bag and you have the finito.Con pattern I then cut out of felt and sewed this little keychain.

Here is my favorite model!! A kiss and see you soon Laura

Monday, October 25, 2010

Where To Buy Komboskini

Today the weather gets screwed with the humor

"The sky is serious and
now swollen like a shot taken on"
Vinicio Capossela

A nice person and good friend the other day posted on his blog a song by De Andre, a song tied to a memory. As you say, you can not select a song by De Andrè according to beauty, are all wonderful, the maximum you can choose based on a feeling, a memory. Even I, today, in full cutting, I want to put your words here.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why Does Tazorac Take So Long To Work


Dear Friends, we
in October but Christmas and 'already' behind the door so 'I would like to propose to design a simple and delicate, maybe you will be able to' serve as an idea for a Christmas gift.

Lavender Medallions They are very easy to do and do not even need a sewing machine if you do not have it or you do not sew, you can simply sew them by hand or even glued with fabric glue.

You can download the PDF drawing and writing here

I used the cotton muslin very rarely (exactly what the bag in the picture) but if you can not find it you can use a fabric or organza fabric brushed. I cut two circles of muslin for each medallion, then I printed a sheet of organza with artwork PDF, you can find here to print sheets of organza -Cotton-organza-fabic-sheets-not-washable_007865.htm
I cut the medallions printed and I sewed a circle of organza on a circle of muslin. I then sewed this circle with another circle of muslin, leaving a hole about 3 cm at the top where he will go ' the hook. Now fill the medallion with the seeds of lavender, the medallion should not be completely full otherwise you will struggle to stitch to close it. Inserted into the opening at the top with a hook made of ribbon and sew to close. Now you can apply a lace all around the medallion and apply a bead or a button to decorate. Remember that the medallions are not to be revolted, sewing and 'sight' cause then will be 'hidden by the lace.

click to enlarge

I then printed a little bag of muslin that will contain 'my three medallions with lavender. I hope you enjoyed this project, I find it very romantic and delicate, a perfect little Christmas gift.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Farberware Parts Bowl Lid

Never throw anything away!

time ago I bought in our shop sponsor in each race of the letters of the company Artemio wood contained in a wooden box her as well, here it is below

Once she got home I used the letters that I needed and I put the other in a glass jar (the jar of Nutella ... great recovery even here), I was already throwing to burn the box, but not I have it done ... it was so cute, sooner or later I would serve for something!

fact while I was thinking what to prepare for my post today, I "dropped the eye" and tick the box ... I have taken the idea.

With the help of a cutter and a pair of pliers I removed some internal divisions in order to get the space in which to place the photos

I then gave a quick hand of Titanium White Decoart of the whole box, I purposely left the imperfect application of color

I chose the photos of my puppy (you had doubts?) and I toned black and white, so I could pick any the colors of the cards, small scraps that I keep aside when scrapbooking, also the series' never throw anything away "

I reinforced the picture glued to a cardboard cardboard on which I have pasted the adhesive thickened because I liked the idea that the photos were on top of the paper.

I added some little embellishment, a heart cut and embossed with the Big Shot, a button, a written short time that I suggested and here is the result, which will be hung in a multicornice my craft room.

course you can find all the material at our sponsors in each race.

Another use for this box ... a mini advent calendar! there are 24 evenly spaced and two larger side, is a little early to think of a post Christmas or I would have done it!

I hope that my ideas inspire you.

a hug

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lorna Costochondritis

Reorder DRAWERS!

In every house there is a drawer where you throw everything and that the system only once every two or three years .. Well I am of those drawers have five or six !!!!! Accommodation

one I found a bunch of beads .. more buttons that vintage .. and pendants that came from somewhere, so I decided to put them together and did this series that will serve to enlighten the blacks or gray sweaters strictly follow me throughout the long winter!


In another drawer I found instead a series of wooden hearts in all different from each other, a coat of acrylic, a couple of small springs, a small piece of ribbon and a wooden tablet was enough to make a memo pad holder, something that I desperately needed .. as my memory holds me more!


Two quick and easy jobs that helped to restore order in the drawers!

Good weekend to all!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How To Fix Winlogon.exe C000021a Error

Wood network metal, paper e. .. Vintage Halloween Tags

This time I decided to scrapbooking a little! To make a panel with the inscription "Giorgia" for children's room ... but just changing the words you can make a panel for any occasion!

We need lists of wood 4cm high, wire mesh, acrylic paint, paper or cardboard, various embellishments and a bit of imagination!

Using this marvelous contraption that I took my wife

I cut to make four lists the frame with the edges 45 ° (2x 55cm, 2x22cm), I stuck with the 1000chiodi and once dry I gave him some points with the "sparapunti. I then attached the frame to the network, setting it again with the sparapunti. I gave it a coat of acrylic color, Light Buttermilk, rather than diluted, but not completely opaque, and then with a brush I made sketches with Dusty Rose, Sage Green and Traditional Burnt Umber ... I chose this rather dusty because they adapt to part of the room dedicated to Girgia! Once dry, the hardware is ready to be decorated.

On the net I put the name "George", cut the letters with an alphabet for la Big Shot, quindi ho decorato la cornice su tre angoli.

Immancabili le roselline di cartoncino arrotolato, qualche rametto, un paio di cuori embossati, una tag timbrata, un bottoncino e delle farfalline...

Cuori e forme embossate e ancora farfalline...

Trovo che il risultato finale sia romantico, semplice ed elegante allo stesso tempo! Naturalmente la scritta sulla rete, i colori, il tipo di carta e le decorazioni possono essere le più diverse, a seconda del pannello che vogliamo realizzare..."Home sweet Home", "Welcome Friends", "Love, Laugh, Live" potrebbero essere alcune idee! Io ne ho in programma un per Jacopo naturalmente! Ci saranno colori e forme più decisi, ma ancora non so! E naturalmente potrete trovare il materiale presso il nostro sponsor " Di Corso in Corso "
Prima di lasciarvi voglio spiegarvi, a grandi linee, come si realizzano le roselline arrotolate.

1) Prima di tutto occore disegnare una spirale sulla carta che abbiamo scelto. Non deve essere precisa e sarà tanto più grande, quanto più grande vogliamo il fiore finale;

2) Ritagliamo la spirale;

3) A me piace piegare un po' i bordi (il end result is better), but you can leave them as is, or tear the paper along the perimeter, or littering the board with an ink type Distress Ink to give an aged,

4) Now roll up the spiral incolliamola and on the bottom (I leave a little 'hail)


Of course we can use paper, cardboard, felt or fabric, but also, here's an example of a fabric rose.

I hope you have some idea! And thanks for giving me so far ... followed the next