Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Best Hd Camcorder For Action

A promise is a promise ...

I spent. One weekend. Difficult. After the fun of
Friday night and Saturday from total devastation which necessitated the intervention of the afternoon nap (from 15.30 to 18.00 .. pomeridiano. ...), my rhythm sleep has been offset by a nocturnal bird of prey. Eyes wide open at night and squid, but I say, washers eggplant purple under the eyes when you wake up on Sunday.
But I was in full culinary inspiration and between a past grand gourmet meal diet and two pans of lasagna for dinner (gotta rebuild from lunch ...), I faced a tour de force that, in total, I saw between oven and stove for 12 hours straight.
Needless to say, to 21.30 (when I finally re-embraced the couch and pillows) my feet were like two more culatelli.
But the satisfaction of having kept a promise , with a good result, is that sigh that shoots at the end of a day when Then you melt on the cushions in unlikely places, but with the fiery spoon in hand!

PS: Forgive the pictures ... but it was really dark ...


Serves 4

For the mousse

8 slices of pineapple in syrup 4 tablespoons brown sugar 1 sheet
dicolla fish
200ml fresh cream 4 tablespoons very cold

icing sugar

For languages \u200b\u200bof cat (about 30)

42g of egg white (in teoria ci vuole pari peso di albume, di zucchero, di burro e di farina. Il mio albume pesava 42g quindi ho adattato di conseguenza)
42g di zucchero a velo
42g di burro molto morbido 
42g di farina 00
3 rametti di timo (oppure regolatevi a piacere)
mezza bacca di vaniglia

- Preparare la mousse: tagliare a tocchetti 4 fette di ananas e metterle da parte, mentre le altre 4 andranno frullate con lo zucchero di canna e passate al colino.
- Soak in cold water the gelatin for 5 minutes. Heat the chopped pineapple puree, wring ammorbitita the gelatin and add to the pulp. Mix well until completely absorbed.
- In a large bowl, combine the pineapple and chopped the meat and mix a little stirring.
- Separately, whip the cream with icing sugar. Once very solid, add little by little pineapple, stirring gently from bottom to top.
- ate the mousse (possibly using the pastry bag to be more precise).
- Put in refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

- Prepare the languages \u200b\u200bof cat in a bowl, lavorare con una spatola o un cucchiaio di legno il burro morbido fino a raggiungere la consistenza a pomata.
- Aggiungere, settacciando man mano, lo zucchero a velo ed amalgamare.
- Unire poi l'albume mescolando con una frusta e, infine, la farina setacciata, il timo e i semini della vaniglia.
- Versare l'impasto in un sac à poche con punta da 5mm e, con un gesto deciso, formare sulla teglia rivestita di carta da forno delle sottili strisce ben distanziate tra loro, perchè in cottura si lasciano andare.

- Meglio non indugiare nel voler fare delle strisce troppo piene,  altrimenti vengono sproporzionate (ne so qualcosa...)
- Bake at 200 ° C for about 7 minutes or until the edge of the biscuit is not nice golden brown.


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