Una piccola premessa, il 3 ottobre scorso l'amico Eu GIO nio ha scritto un raccontino che parla di un tizio che si ritrova in un bosco nel mezzo di un temporale (per la cronaca, prima di continuare nella lettura andrebbe letto anche quel post lì, che potete leggere qui ); alla fine del raccontino EuGIOnio ha proposto 5 possibili esiti dello stesso ma poi, parlando poco di donne, non ha più continuato a scriverlo e si è perso in una miriade di altri post ché io il segreto di EuGIOnio lo conosco, lui ha trovato l'Aleph di cui parlava Borges e ne attinge a piene mani. Incautamente, nei commenti, ho detto che mi sarebbe piaciuto continuare il gioco e che mi ricordava le storie a bivi dei topolini di tanti anni fa e lì, EuGIOnio, trovandosi d'accordo ha pure ulteriormente calcato la mano richiedendo degli scenari appositi per ogni opzione proposta. Dovevo solo scegliere solo che io, quando devo fare una scelta, sono sempre indeciso e, spesso, faccio quella sbagliata, per questo, alla fine, ho deciso di scrivere tutte e 5 le opzioni, find them all in this post because I did not want to make 5 different, if you like, I read them, surely EuGIOnio must read.
Bon appetit!
Option A "Quit and you're intrigued attacked by a hostile presence that puts you in danger"
further request EuGIOnio: blood
"Curiosity killed the cat", he repeated it often when my grandfather ran to rescue me from many dangers that drives me, like the time I had the curiosity touching a nest of wasps, we made a competition to see who he gets more bites. I should listen to him tonight but that scream, or would-be that had awakened me, pulled me out dal mio riparo per farmi avventurare, solo con la luce del display del cellulare, nel buio della notte. Il temporale sembrava passato ma la luna faceva ancora fatica a farsi spazio tra le nubi; ho mosso dei passi incerti sul sottobosco bagnato, non si sentiva più nessun rumore intorno, anche il vento sembrava essersi ammutolito, solo ammutolito perché le fronde dei rami non hanno smesso di ondeggiare e ballavano contro il buio della notte. Facile, con il senno del poi, dire che dovevo rimanere nella grotta ma quell'urlo mi aveva come ipnotizzato; l'aria odorava di pioggia e la luna aveva vinto la sua battaglia con le nuvole che, veloci, battevano in ritirata lasciandola al centro del cielo, piena, enorme, a far luce tutto intorno tanto che la luce phone was no longer needed. I did not do many other passages, I have not even seen it coming, I heard only a strong smell wild I swooped on him and the claws of one foot, or perhaps a hand, rip the neck. Now I'm here I look at my soul away the last breath as the beast, the thing, makes me tearing his meal in a pool of blood.
Option B
Quit believing that someone needs help, find a mysterious girl that you believe has been caught in a storm like you "request for additional
EuGIOnio: mystery
Maybe it was just a dream to 'scream, a nightmare of spectral noise pollution from air bursts that pierce the darkness of the forest. No, I still feel, is safe now, somebody out there needs help, I gather my clothes and my courage and, making light with the mobile phone screen, I leave my refuge in the woods and I rinfilo beaten by rain and wind. I try to call, to ask if there is someone, and a small voice seemed to meet, among the branches to my right, I run, there is a body lying in the mud, it's a girl. I also slide and fall in trying to reach close to her, I get up and help with one arm to his feet, is pale, diaphanous, is barely holding on the legs. The rain seems to have no pity, but rather tuck in and slapped us with cold and sharp drops. I move at times, when the lightning leave me a glimpse of something and I can return to the cave, carrying the girl that emits only a faint cry, fortunately, is light, a twig, it seems to carry a cloud. I can sit by the fire and it seems to recover a little, 'is wrapped in a blanket and looks at me that I offer. He tells me to be a campsite and who was caught by the storm when he was away from the field, like me, tells me his name was Penelope and then thanked me for saving her. We sit a while 'before the fire, in the silence that is formed between two strangers because they are forced, inevitably, to divide a space. Outside it seems that the storm is moving away, I turn to the exit to look out, I get the feeling that the rock wall behind us there is something wrong but I can not figure out what. I get up and go to watch the sky, floor, clear of clouds, a bright full moon now lights the valley and only a few small dirty cloud the ground with its shadow ... the shadow! Here's what he had registered my brain when I laid eyes on the wall, or rather what had not seen, there was only a shadow reflected on the wall, my. Penelope behind me, calling me.
Option C
"Scared, Stay in your refuge in your backpack searched and a knife Trai"
further request EuGIOnio: blood
A scream, wake me up. It 's out in the night? E 'inside, mind? I do not know, now I feel only three sounds: my shortness of breath, my heart, frightened and the crackle of the fire, the rest is silence, you feel even more time. I'm cold, fire does not seem to take effect, I look at the cave looks like a stranger, the swaying shadows on the walls seem to loom over me, I fear, the aftermath of that cry out in the woods or soul, continues with long shivering under the skin. I have to warm up more, perhaps in the backpack I have another blanket, I feel something hard when I put my hand, a handle. "Penelope," I can think of that name, not who he is. I pull out what I found, is a butcher knife, a foot of blade is stained with blood! The launch was horrified, like Scott, I look at my hands, blood there, too, but what happens? I tremble like a leaf in the storm, I look upon him, are also covered with blood on his clothes. "Penelope," now the name has a face, the smile of a dark girl. There must be an explanation, I am calm, maybe it's a nightmare, yes, have to be a nightmare. I close my eyes, I hit a series of images, a clearing and a fire, a girl sitting, and I knew how to move the wood perfectly, there are already come? Why then did I tell you that I miss? My face looks scared and she relaxes after a first flash of fear, seeing me. I open my eyes, they are still in the cave, they are still stained with blood, but the fear is gone, a strange calm comes over me. Closes his eyes, other images, I'm sitting next to the girl, drink coffee from a thermos, she gave her name as Penelope, I have invented a name, Matthew, but my name, I know to call me John. He tells me to come there often, alone, she needs to relax, remembering, smile at that moment, I have a face for her, however, stop doing it, seems to understand but it's late, I have hidden in his jacket knife, does not have time to get up and a shiver runs behind his back, no, no and fear, and pleasure. She screams, maybe, but I know I can not hear anyone, the only camping I've beaten them pretty close and now just before I mess with her. I open my eyes and laugh, now I remember everything, to escape the storm, the fall, now I remember who I am, I am a monster.
Option D
"I wake up scared: it was only a nightmare ... but where were you sleeping? "
further request EuGIOnio: psico-oniriche-paradossali/introspezioni situations
A scream woke me up, a cry will be out of the cave, in the storm. I open my eyes and I refer them to the white, where did all this light tank? In the cave there was only My feeble fire. I feel embarrassed. The eyes adjust to light, I have only around white padded walls, I'm sitting on the floor, barefoot, with a straitjacket, where is the cave? The woods? The storm? I hear more screams, and coarse laughter and clatter of carts. I begin to remember, I have closed here because I attacked the doctor, the nurse gave me a big shot in the neck. I dreamed of a storm, I still feel tired and close my eyes. When I open them all around me the dancing shadows in the light of the fire and are in a cave, where the walls are padded? The screaming? The doctors? There is only silence around me, out of the storm has been transformed in light rain, I feel cold, I cling to the deck and up the fire. I dreamed of a mental hospital, still feel the stench in the nostrils of industrial disinfectant lingers in hospitals, strong breath the air that enters the cold, damp cave. It 's still dark, they are still tired, I lie down and close my eyes. A door opens, I wake up, I still wanted to see the cave, there is a dark square in the white wall, a doctor in lab coat with two nurses and two-colored green make a blurry image. The guy in white coat asked me if I slept well and if I wanted to see, I shook my head, still, still groggy from the syringe into his neck. Still speaks to me, asking me if I remember why they are there, mumbling con la bava alla bocca di una tempesta, fuori sento urla e risate. Il medico mi guarda senza espressione e dice qualcosa all’orecchio dell’infermiere a sinistra, capisco solo “delirio” e “bosco” poi mi sento nuovamente spossato e mi piego sul pavimento. Un tuono, apro gli occhi e rivedo le pareti in pietra della grotta, sembra che il temporale stia tornando. Ho sognato ancora l’ospedale, non capisco se è un sogno o un ricordo o se è questa grotta ad essere un sogno; non riesco a capire e mi sale un’ansia sconosciuta, come se non sapessi più chi sono in realtà, sentendomi in bilico fra due mondi. Ho il terrore di riaddormentarmi, paura di sognare ancora oppure di svegliarmi e capire che questo is the dream, or otherwise. I'm confused, I can only look out the lightning light up the valley and wonder at what point is the night.
Option E
"Pretend you nothing and you get to sleep"
further request EuGIOnio: blood (I guess which has the stares)
The Scream explodes in the forest and above the continuous downpour of rain , enters the cave and bounces off the walls. The man runs a moment, maybe hear something but he believes comes from his sleep, his eyes slightly open but not really awake, his brain is still asleep, he turns on simply uncomfortable rock curled in his bed of luck , trying to hold on to what little heat coming from the fire. As it exploded the scream is silent and leaves it to rain all over the stage, in the midst of the nervous tapping of frozen drops, a gasp strip on the ground. A red-haired girl clutching breathed his last, in rage and pain, fingers in the red mud of his blood was now empty eyes, life is all ran away from the big hole that opens in two belly. When even rattle off the flashes illuminating the silhouette of a man from the hill with difficulty, stumbling and slipping on the ground slippery with rain, and even his eyes are empty, two black balls as the abyss, the only thrill of life of her face is the slight tremor of the upper lip. When the gauge has reached the top of the rain seems to have exhausted his strength and the light flashes a now distant horizon, the wood looks almost silent, only a slight, pleasant noise that turns into a quivering lip smile, and the crackle of fire in a cave. The man is still sleeping, an occasional chill it does make the blanket almost unconsciously. Perhaps a chill a bit 'louder, louder a dream or the perception of something, the line between sleep and wakefulness is exceeded and the man opens his eyes marvel at the warm orange glow of the flames, but a white flash hits it, is the reflection of a blade, and behind, a dark shape.
Bon appetit!
Option A "Quit and you're intrigued attacked by a hostile presence that puts you in danger"
further request EuGIOnio: blood
"Curiosity killed the cat", he repeated it often when my grandfather ran to rescue me from many dangers that drives me, like the time I had the curiosity touching a nest of wasps, we made a competition to see who he gets more bites. I should listen to him tonight but that scream, or would-be that had awakened me, pulled me out dal mio riparo per farmi avventurare, solo con la luce del display del cellulare, nel buio della notte. Il temporale sembrava passato ma la luna faceva ancora fatica a farsi spazio tra le nubi; ho mosso dei passi incerti sul sottobosco bagnato, non si sentiva più nessun rumore intorno, anche il vento sembrava essersi ammutolito, solo ammutolito perché le fronde dei rami non hanno smesso di ondeggiare e ballavano contro il buio della notte. Facile, con il senno del poi, dire che dovevo rimanere nella grotta ma quell'urlo mi aveva come ipnotizzato; l'aria odorava di pioggia e la luna aveva vinto la sua battaglia con le nuvole che, veloci, battevano in ritirata lasciandola al centro del cielo, piena, enorme, a far luce tutto intorno tanto che la luce phone was no longer needed. I did not do many other passages, I have not even seen it coming, I heard only a strong smell wild I swooped on him and the claws of one foot, or perhaps a hand, rip the neck. Now I'm here I look at my soul away the last breath as the beast, the thing, makes me tearing his meal in a pool of blood.
Option B
Quit believing that someone needs help, find a mysterious girl that you believe has been caught in a storm like you "request for additional
EuGIOnio: mystery
Maybe it was just a dream to 'scream, a nightmare of spectral noise pollution from air bursts that pierce the darkness of the forest. No, I still feel, is safe now, somebody out there needs help, I gather my clothes and my courage and, making light with the mobile phone screen, I leave my refuge in the woods and I rinfilo beaten by rain and wind. I try to call, to ask if there is someone, and a small voice seemed to meet, among the branches to my right, I run, there is a body lying in the mud, it's a girl. I also slide and fall in trying to reach close to her, I get up and help with one arm to his feet, is pale, diaphanous, is barely holding on the legs. The rain seems to have no pity, but rather tuck in and slapped us with cold and sharp drops. I move at times, when the lightning leave me a glimpse of something and I can return to the cave, carrying the girl that emits only a faint cry, fortunately, is light, a twig, it seems to carry a cloud. I can sit by the fire and it seems to recover a little, 'is wrapped in a blanket and looks at me that I offer. He tells me to be a campsite and who was caught by the storm when he was away from the field, like me, tells me his name was Penelope and then thanked me for saving her. We sit a while 'before the fire, in the silence that is formed between two strangers because they are forced, inevitably, to divide a space. Outside it seems that the storm is moving away, I turn to the exit to look out, I get the feeling that the rock wall behind us there is something wrong but I can not figure out what. I get up and go to watch the sky, floor, clear of clouds, a bright full moon now lights the valley and only a few small dirty cloud the ground with its shadow ... the shadow! Here's what he had registered my brain when I laid eyes on the wall, or rather what had not seen, there was only a shadow reflected on the wall, my. Penelope behind me, calling me.
Option C
"Scared, Stay in your refuge in your backpack searched and a knife Trai"
further request EuGIOnio: blood
A scream, wake me up. It 's out in the night? E 'inside, mind? I do not know, now I feel only three sounds: my shortness of breath, my heart, frightened and the crackle of the fire, the rest is silence, you feel even more time. I'm cold, fire does not seem to take effect, I look at the cave looks like a stranger, the swaying shadows on the walls seem to loom over me, I fear, the aftermath of that cry out in the woods or soul, continues with long shivering under the skin. I have to warm up more, perhaps in the backpack I have another blanket, I feel something hard when I put my hand, a handle. "Penelope," I can think of that name, not who he is. I pull out what I found, is a butcher knife, a foot of blade is stained with blood! The launch was horrified, like Scott, I look at my hands, blood there, too, but what happens? I tremble like a leaf in the storm, I look upon him, are also covered with blood on his clothes. "Penelope," now the name has a face, the smile of a dark girl. There must be an explanation, I am calm, maybe it's a nightmare, yes, have to be a nightmare. I close my eyes, I hit a series of images, a clearing and a fire, a girl sitting, and I knew how to move the wood perfectly, there are already come? Why then did I tell you that I miss? My face looks scared and she relaxes after a first flash of fear, seeing me. I open my eyes, they are still in the cave, they are still stained with blood, but the fear is gone, a strange calm comes over me. Closes his eyes, other images, I'm sitting next to the girl, drink coffee from a thermos, she gave her name as Penelope, I have invented a name, Matthew, but my name, I know to call me John. He tells me to come there often, alone, she needs to relax, remembering, smile at that moment, I have a face for her, however, stop doing it, seems to understand but it's late, I have hidden in his jacket knife, does not have time to get up and a shiver runs behind his back, no, no and fear, and pleasure. She screams, maybe, but I know I can not hear anyone, the only camping I've beaten them pretty close and now just before I mess with her. I open my eyes and laugh, now I remember everything, to escape the storm, the fall, now I remember who I am, I am a monster.
Option D
"I wake up scared: it was only a nightmare ... but where were you sleeping? "
further request EuGIOnio: psico-oniriche-paradossali/introspezioni situations
A scream woke me up, a cry will be out of the cave, in the storm. I open my eyes and I refer them to the white, where did all this light tank? In the cave there was only My feeble fire. I feel embarrassed. The eyes adjust to light, I have only around white padded walls, I'm sitting on the floor, barefoot, with a straitjacket, where is the cave? The woods? The storm? I hear more screams, and coarse laughter and clatter of carts. I begin to remember, I have closed here because I attacked the doctor, the nurse gave me a big shot in the neck. I dreamed of a storm, I still feel tired and close my eyes. When I open them all around me the dancing shadows in the light of the fire and are in a cave, where the walls are padded? The screaming? The doctors? There is only silence around me, out of the storm has been transformed in light rain, I feel cold, I cling to the deck and up the fire. I dreamed of a mental hospital, still feel the stench in the nostrils of industrial disinfectant lingers in hospitals, strong breath the air that enters the cold, damp cave. It 's still dark, they are still tired, I lie down and close my eyes. A door opens, I wake up, I still wanted to see the cave, there is a dark square in the white wall, a doctor in lab coat with two nurses and two-colored green make a blurry image. The guy in white coat asked me if I slept well and if I wanted to see, I shook my head, still, still groggy from the syringe into his neck. Still speaks to me, asking me if I remember why they are there, mumbling con la bava alla bocca di una tempesta, fuori sento urla e risate. Il medico mi guarda senza espressione e dice qualcosa all’orecchio dell’infermiere a sinistra, capisco solo “delirio” e “bosco” poi mi sento nuovamente spossato e mi piego sul pavimento. Un tuono, apro gli occhi e rivedo le pareti in pietra della grotta, sembra che il temporale stia tornando. Ho sognato ancora l’ospedale, non capisco se è un sogno o un ricordo o se è questa grotta ad essere un sogno; non riesco a capire e mi sale un’ansia sconosciuta, come se non sapessi più chi sono in realtà, sentendomi in bilico fra due mondi. Ho il terrore di riaddormentarmi, paura di sognare ancora oppure di svegliarmi e capire che questo is the dream, or otherwise. I'm confused, I can only look out the lightning light up the valley and wonder at what point is the night.
Option E
"Pretend you nothing and you get to sleep"
further request EuGIOnio: blood (I guess which has the stares)
The Scream explodes in the forest and above the continuous downpour of rain , enters the cave and bounces off the walls. The man runs a moment, maybe hear something but he believes comes from his sleep, his eyes slightly open but not really awake, his brain is still asleep, he turns on simply uncomfortable rock curled in his bed of luck , trying to hold on to what little heat coming from the fire. As it exploded the scream is silent and leaves it to rain all over the stage, in the midst of the nervous tapping of frozen drops, a gasp strip on the ground. A red-haired girl clutching breathed his last, in rage and pain, fingers in the red mud of his blood was now empty eyes, life is all ran away from the big hole that opens in two belly. When even rattle off the flashes illuminating the silhouette of a man from the hill with difficulty, stumbling and slipping on the ground slippery with rain, and even his eyes are empty, two black balls as the abyss, the only thrill of life of her face is the slight tremor of the upper lip. When the gauge has reached the top of the rain seems to have exhausted his strength and the light flashes a now distant horizon, the wood looks almost silent, only a slight, pleasant noise that turns into a quivering lip smile, and the crackle of fire in a cave. The man is still sleeping, an occasional chill it does make the blanket almost unconsciously. Perhaps a chill a bit 'louder, louder a dream or the perception of something, the line between sleep and wakefulness is exceeded and the man opens his eyes marvel at the warm orange glow of the flames, but a white flash hits it, is the reflection of a blade, and behind, a dark shape.
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