is approaching the time of year when we often faced with a gift ... but what to do ????? Often you find yourself short of ideas at the last minute ... then I suggest this simple design, very country, sober, clean e. .. help! An original idea and strictly handmade!
This' point of departure, a 30X40 photo frame for the glass ... do not see it because 'it and' broken in any case ... not!
This' point of departure, a 30X40 photo frame for the glass ... do not see it because 'it and' broken in any case ... not!

The line you see (at about 12cm from the top inside of the frame) corresponds to the point where we're going to cut the panel, which will be replaced by a piece of wire (about 32X13, 5cm), set the frame with staples (I used the "sparapunti ... but what's his name?)

the front at the junction between the two sides will get a list of wood (29x 2.5 / 3cm) attached to the sides with a small amount of 1000chiodi. Paint the panel with the paint-blackboard. To give the frame a coat of acrylic color Bittersweet Chocolate, let dry, then with a rather large round brush and bristles rather harsh apply a coat of Light Buttermilk, using the technique of Dry Brush (Dry Brush). This means that load the dry brush with a little color, I downloaded the most on a piece of paper towel, then proceed with the draft (I do circular movements), which should be light and preferably not too smooth!
We have our slate ready for decorating!

I picked up a decoration ... a simple little house, and some of gingerbreads heart. After the drawing, I cut out the shapes with the tunnel, I polished well so I painted choosing light colors, buttery shades! Here they are

We just have to apply them to the frame, the bottom I used the ginger 1000chiodi (but are fine also PVA glue or hot glue), and for participants on the network I used sparapunti . A little 'furniture wax as a finish (not the black part!) And, like magic, our picture frame turned into a slate!
If you want to achieve, here qui il disegno delle decorazioni...
Spero di avervi dato qualche ideuzza!!!
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