Amiche mie, here I am out of breath and ran as usual (as well as you time goes by so fast?) With a small project, very easy to make but just as an idea regalo.Per this project are:
-recycled cardboard or cartonnage 2mm
-cotton fabric
- block-notes
- cutter
- Schoch paper

The tissue I used for this project is wonderful . Our sponsor Color & craft put me available two walls immense tissue and pannolenci .... you can imagine how long it took me to choose??
Take measurements of your block-notes and cut out two rectangles of 1 cm. more grande.Ritagliate also a strip of about 1 cm in larghezza.Posizionate and glue the pieces on the back of tessuto.Io as I already said I use the vinavil.E 'a very good glue, odorless and is diluted economica.Non lot with water. Always do a small test to see if the fabric selected is not too light.

Fold the edges inward, being always very careful at the corners.

Now cut a heavy card stock (220 / 300 grams), about 4 mm. copertina.Trovate smaller than the center, calculated 0.5 cm per side and then two piegature.Ricoprite the card just like the cover.

Place a small piece of tape, which will serve as a port pencils / penne.Passate a generous amount of PVA glue and place the inside. I use the washing of clothes pegs to hold the tutto.Non but you have leave much, otherwise they tend to leave their mark.

Here is your block pads, perfect for a pick any regalo.Potete with the colors and sizes.

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