Monday, December 13, 2010

How Fast Does Cancer Grow

Ting ... ting ... ting ...
Something is clicking in my head, like a light bulb that lights up a room that I could not be dark before.
Il pensiero si fa sempre più pressante, si insinua negli anfratti della mia mente e non mi lascia stare.
Martella, è insidioso, tenace,  non demorde. Ci penso prima di addormentarmi e mi risveglia come uno schiaffo al mattino.


E' fatta. Sono in suo potere. Ormai le mie esigenze passano in secondo piano, sono come creta nelle sue mani. Questo pensiero condiziona la mia vita, la mia tabella di marcia, i miei piani. Mi bisbiglia nell'orecchio, è ipnotico, sensuale. E' molesto. 
E mi piace.

Sono un'incredibile testarda e quando mi metto in testa che voglio fare qualcosa, la faccio.
E, se non mi viene alla perfezione al primo colpo, mi avvilisco, mi sento sconfitta, mi sembra di aver sprecato tempo e materiale. Allora metto tutto da parte e non mi ci avvicino più per mesi neanche con il pensiero.
Per questo non sono pienamente soddisfatta del mio lavoro questa volta. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo comunque perchè, in fondo, queste carotine sono carine, ma ci ho messo tanto e ho sudato come una mandria di gnu insieguiti da un branco di leonesse.

L'idea, neanche a dirlo, me l'ha data Bakerella. Quando vago sul suo sito rimango sempre a bocca open.
Everything reminds the United States: glaze rivers, bows, pop colors and cartoon-style characters.
The fact is that it has the unfortunate tendency to make everything look easy ...
Seeing the publication of his book pops on the cake, I got slingshots and I bought (even with the sconticino: P), because I was just impatient, fuming that this ideuzza was pounding in my head.
So I made the first base (do you remember?: P) and then I smeared on your hands!
And not only ... ;)


I admit it now: I have had serious difficulties. Not so much for the filling, because it is not really problems. But the icing .................
start by saying that she also uses Candy Melts, which I'm happy to ignore the chemical composition. But I guess they are more manageable for my answer. In fact, I've opted for the royal icing because I missed the candy melts and I really suffered to find the right consistency.

fact, if the icing is too runny, facilitates the bathroom of the cake pop, but then flows in a compassionate way.
If you take too strong you can not pucca and coagulates immediately without taking account the shape of Dolcino.
So I tooled the icing on the carrot gradually removing the excess.
Well ... there is to imbrattarsi good: D

Makes about 20 baby carrots:

For carrots:
165g of carrot cake (more or less a quarter)
cream cheese 25g butter 20g icing sugar

20 wooden sticks (like those of the skewers)
a base of polystyrene at least 5 cm high and about the size of 30 x 30 cm

For the icing: 250g sugar

1 egg white icing at room temperature water as needed

color food gel (or liquid decreasing the amount of water for the glaze)

- Piece by piece, crumble the cake in his hands, as if you were there to washing with soap. Reduce to bits even any big lumps who fled.

- Prepare the cream: Work the butter cream with a spatula, then with the whisk, add cream cheese and powdered sugar until it forms a smooth cream.
- Stir in the cream with the cake crumbs and mix well. The cream should be completely absorbed.

- Take a small amount of impasto (più o meno come una noce), formare delle palline come polpette e allungarle dando loro una forma a cono.

- Disponetele con la punta in su su una superficie piana e coperta di carta da forno. Mettete in freezer per 15-20 minuti.

- Preparate la glassa montando gli albumi a neve. A metà operazione cominciate ad aggiungere un po' dello zucchero a velo, fino a farlo assorbire tutto. Continuare a montare fino ad ottenere una glassa soda e lucida. Pucciando le fruste e ritirandole su in fretta, si devono formare delle punte che stanno in piedi senza ammosciarsi.
- Ora colorate icing. Tenetene aside some 'green, and always cover it with plastic wrap, making sure it adheres to not dry out the icing.
- Once colors for consistency with water. Pour a little at a time, half a teaspoon make a difference. Unfortunately, the carrots will be the first guinea pigs to test.
- Once the glaze is ready, pull out of the freezer one or two carrots at a time, why it is important that they are always hard-boiled.
- Pucca the tip of the skewer (about one cm) in the first frosting and then bag it in the tip of the carrot.
- now equip yourself with a spatula and applied a layer of frosting on the carrot, gradually removing the excess. Not because it would put too heavy icing. A thin layer is enough.
- As a frosting carrot, infilzatela the base of polystyrene. I recommend you do the holes in the base in advance, you avoid the carrots tossed.
- After you make the icing to dry completely. With the round tip 1 I made the horizontal stripes, with the top star in the top bunch.
- should be kept in the fridge because they contain butter and cheese:)

With this recipe I'm very happy to participate in the contest of the dear Labna "take root" . Strength, there is time until December 30!!

And by the way of appointments, launch the call for the Foodies in MI Christmas Party, you're all invited Thursday 16! I send you here by Labna for details;)


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