In medio stat virtus
- Micha, you're done with the garbage?
- Yes, yes, it's all in front of the entrance, we hope you come soon to withdraw it because I want to go home.
every night so, we would like you to put yourself in that pile of bags and you take away blacks, feet swollen, red eyes, sore back, the smell of fried food and do not know what else you came in the skin, perhaps in the bones. Arrive at night and you feel drained, with all your strength is consumed, lost in the eyes of hundreds of faces that you have gone ahead with the only relief the smile of a tourist who is not beautiful but at least you smile in the midst of rudeness, haste, absurd requests, complaints. Sometimes even the breaks you can enjoy, maybe that you are there, if you get poisoned by what you do not know, you poison the good old nicotine're leaning against the wall or sitting on the first shelf stable at high ass and find one that comes to you asks: "But do not you suck?" and while trying to pull something at stake or the mother, at least, a sister, you already know where it going to end because after a while, 'you know how things go and not wait for your answer , continues: "Do not suck?'re poisoning all those people!" and among the many possibilities, pull off a joke like "Oh well that passive smoking kills but I did not think that came up in here "or send him to fuck off and come back, you sit there and you put up the lecture because that is your fucking break and you can not stop it for him. We put up the history of ground beef made with who knows what, slaughtering other tissues with the meat, bread that is a mystery of nature, sugary additives to make you hungry, and corporate exploitation, and would like to respond, say who do not know shit about what's in the flesh, you do not know if the sandwiches are rotting or not you because you were told that after a tot who are on the slide without being purchased must be removed and that, therefore, does not even have the time to cool you think the rot. Would you like to show him the bum who is eating a hamburger sitting on the ground and tell him that the guy with the two euro in his pocket is still able to get into a sandwich with meat and salad, was able to lunch today and would like to say that when it happens, if you can, you give even a bit 'of French fries on the sly, and if you have so poisoned well, it's something long term but, in short, has declined to skip lunch. Would you also tell him that every so often you eat, and one that you like, you do not know what they put in to please her, but what we bring is a terrible figure because it works great, would you tell him che respiri ogni giorno tanta di quella merda che mangiare quel panino qualche volta non è nemmeno il peggio. Vorresti dirgli che anche tu, come il barbone, ti compiaci di riuscire a pranzare spendendo poco o nulla perché anche a te piace mangiare le cose genuine ma, nel mondo, in quella città, con quello che si spende per mangiare una sola volta una cosa genuina, lì dove lavori ci mangi una settimana; perché, ed è questo che vorresti fargli capire, quello che lui vede come il nemico per te è solo il posto dove lavori, che non te lo sei scelto tu, che a ventisette anni, una laurea di primo livello in lettere e filosofia, tu, volentieri, faresti altro ma che hai trovato solo quel posto del cazzo in cui, a turno, cucini, fry, sell, serve and clean and that, frankly, at that moment you, selfishly, to think about other cocks. Would you like to say this but you say it, because it would be pointless and would only prolong the suffering and, with the silence, I hope to get tired and leave you in peace, perhaps ending with the classic "sold" if they really are " sold "to the balances are buying me, given the pittance paid. But do not answer, because not even wrong, you know it's too sweet smell that is constantly there and that rises to the nostrils stoned brain cells to make them believe we're hungry, you will also see the children always more obese ed irascibili e maleducati che si ingozzano di panini enormi e litri di bevande; sai che c'è qualcosa di sbagliato, di esagerato, come di corsa verso un traguardo che non si raggiungerà mai veramente. Quelli che ti vengono ad urlare contro sono tanti e tutti diversi, c'è chi ci crede veramente e chi lo fa per moda, chi lo fa con la pancia piena di cose salutari e chi vorrebbe solo migliorare le cose, chi è insensibile a necessità e ragioni degli altri e chi ha orecchie per ascoltare. Sono due estremi e, come la verità, tu stai semplicemente nel mezzo.
- Miché, sveglia! alzati da quella sedia, sono arrivati, dai che ce ne andiamo a casa.
- Arrivo.
Memento audere semper
I work there for five years.
"Just to be doing nothing, while I look for another ..."
So I said to those who knew me and was eating a Mac, or maybe that's how I told myself, a kind of self-persuasion ... unconvinced. Then, in a Mc Chicken Deluxe and Royal, the "seeking other" if they have gone to bless and with it my dreams, my studies, my ambitions. When I had done for years
laboratory in the Faculty of Archaeology, I never thought that I might be profitable to recognize and share a Happy Meal from a Salads Plus menu, however, to think of today, there goes much of a difference: first catalog remains bone, quilting today panini con resti di cadaveri più o meno recenti. Sarei tentata dall'azzardare una prova del C14, sai che sorprese...
Qui dentro le bestie arrivano già sezionate, la loro carne trita, mischiata a “chissàcos'altro” è identica per dimensioni, odore, sapore (dicono) e io scarto e confeziono un prodotto che non considero nemmeno cibo, sorrido alla mamma che premia il suo bimbo portandolo alla grande M, le auguro un buon break e le consiglio il muffin al cioccolato “che oggi è in offerta con due 0.3 di coca”. La vedo fulminare un tipo che fuma sull'uscio dell'entrata, come se quello che lascia ingurgitare al figlio sia meno dannoso della nicotina. Faccio l'occhiolino al piccolo che con un sorso ha già half finished drink e. ..
... all of a sudden are tiny by sideways in his chair in brown leather and green bottle that my grandparents in the kitchen, next to the fireplace, are the sixteen and I still have my eyes glued to the rest post lunch, a young Paul Bonolis, but already brilliant, leads Bim Bum Bam and I look forward to the initials snorkies, my grandmother gives me a ceramic plate that I grab it without taking his eyes off the screen, with little fingers and shake something, only the taste, I recognize that bread made fresh in house and those ripe tomatoes, red, my grandfather returns from the country ...
"For me, a Filet-o-Fish and a small potato"
In a split second and return great nostalgic ...
salt from the kitchen heat and the anointed of the fryers, I feel it more on this oil, I came into the skin. E 'Mc belonging to us or that we belong to him? I feel his prisoner or prisoner of this system that allows you to live (survive) if you kill your dreams, "because work is a sacrifice and ideals, and oh those ... do not give you something to eat.
"Grandma give me water ?"... they sank their teeth in the bread and salted tomato pieces I fall into the pot holding under his chin, just like they taught me ... "Or I'll dirty ...". Marina makes a nice interlude Morra and Uan upside down and I can not explain why, when I do it against the wall, I will "shoot" the hair in the air ... them no! Somehow I "impomodorato" t-shirt just changed this morning, peek at my grandmother that "head" the vegetables at the table and I take the sting that I already knew he deserves: "mo you keep it so." I look at my chest and I think when you get dirty you can not but rejoice, no longer have an obligation to be careful in eating ....
"Miss my Mc Menu ?"... "Yes, yes, a second port and everything." Today I can not to leave out the thoughts, not that easy, I usually stay focused on working but ... on some days the mind does not want to know to stay inside the "fence" from the duty imposed. Just around the corner from the kitchen, I shot in the throat, on the fly, a sip of water and I shake my head insistently as if to chase a swarm of bees out of his ears. The wall clock is the 15:05 ... "Power of an hour you're out of here ...". Mr. Potato smiles at me with resignation, we have saddled this nickname since he arrived and now, to be honest, I forget his name. It makes me a nod, the potatoes are ready ... therefore end when you walk eight hours in front of a fryer? Oil you pull out all the expression and you get empty eyes and mind?
"Hundred wonder that greedy dwarves yo yo .... what a surprise find out if I bite yo yo ... I found the yo yo I'm gonna fly so high ... I eat yo yo, I'll find a reason !"... I shake your legs to his chest and I think that here in your grandma's house, yo yo has never bought, "What Stephen's got the yo yo grandmother?". Stephen has a general store, a tiny, tiny shop (which is nothing other than the garage of his home) where it is sold in everything from cigarettes to food, gifts ... "And I think so, but we need to do? Those you hurt. " Which has the glasses a bit 'down on his nose and when I answered my grandmother watches it over the lens, the edge always somewhat' curved and the tone of one who is always in a hurry and has no time to lose. I like when you look at the dumplings (sometimes I can even fool some raw food under the table) and work in irons, but I never expect her to be an explicit gesture of affection ... "Well I know ste m stupid? Go play, run ...". I opened the glass door so hard that the house slamming the iron gratings on the wall, I hear screaming something but I'm already far away, with his feet on the pedals of my graziella fuchsia ...
"Oh the ste want fries or not?" I am Mr. Potato Head as you move the sleeve apron white on his forehead. He grabbed the fly, perhaps too much on the fly, I see it fall to the ground and ten, in an attempt to restart them, everything back on the floor. I stand to look at what some (certainly not me) has combined, I remove the apron from her head, I no longer feel the rumor of the room, no smell of fried food I get to the nostrils ... there's only me, my bike, the hot air of August in the face, the campaign that runs through my green and brown on the sides ... my happiness.
These two stories are born both inspired by the photos there to open it and my one and the other Maraptica , all born from a his post, after I posted the mandate, just to get some 'around, that photo and in the end we decided to try to write, both, a story inspired by that to see what would come of it, and here we are.
- Micha, you're done with the garbage?
- Yes, yes, it's all in front of the entrance, we hope you come soon to withdraw it because I want to go home.
every night so, we would like you to put yourself in that pile of bags and you take away blacks, feet swollen, red eyes, sore back, the smell of fried food and do not know what else you came in the skin, perhaps in the bones. Arrive at night and you feel drained, with all your strength is consumed, lost in the eyes of hundreds of faces that you have gone ahead with the only relief the smile of a tourist who is not beautiful but at least you smile in the midst of rudeness, haste, absurd requests, complaints. Sometimes even the breaks you can enjoy, maybe that you are there, if you get poisoned by what you do not know, you poison the good old nicotine're leaning against the wall or sitting on the first shelf stable at high ass and find one that comes to you asks: "But do not you suck?" and while trying to pull something at stake or the mother, at least, a sister, you already know where it going to end because after a while, 'you know how things go and not wait for your answer , continues: "Do not suck?'re poisoning all those people!" and among the many possibilities, pull off a joke like "Oh well that passive smoking kills but I did not think that came up in here "or send him to fuck off and come back, you sit there and you put up the lecture because that is your fucking break and you can not stop it for him. We put up the history of ground beef made with who knows what, slaughtering other tissues with the meat, bread that is a mystery of nature, sugary additives to make you hungry, and corporate exploitation, and would like to respond, say who do not know shit about what's in the flesh, you do not know if the sandwiches are rotting or not you because you were told that after a tot who are on the slide without being purchased must be removed and that, therefore, does not even have the time to cool you think the rot. Would you like to show him the bum who is eating a hamburger sitting on the ground and tell him that the guy with the two euro in his pocket is still able to get into a sandwich with meat and salad, was able to lunch today and would like to say that when it happens, if you can, you give even a bit 'of French fries on the sly, and if you have so poisoned well, it's something long term but, in short, has declined to skip lunch. Would you also tell him that every so often you eat, and one that you like, you do not know what they put in to please her, but what we bring is a terrible figure because it works great, would you tell him che respiri ogni giorno tanta di quella merda che mangiare quel panino qualche volta non è nemmeno il peggio. Vorresti dirgli che anche tu, come il barbone, ti compiaci di riuscire a pranzare spendendo poco o nulla perché anche a te piace mangiare le cose genuine ma, nel mondo, in quella città, con quello che si spende per mangiare una sola volta una cosa genuina, lì dove lavori ci mangi una settimana; perché, ed è questo che vorresti fargli capire, quello che lui vede come il nemico per te è solo il posto dove lavori, che non te lo sei scelto tu, che a ventisette anni, una laurea di primo livello in lettere e filosofia, tu, volentieri, faresti altro ma che hai trovato solo quel posto del cazzo in cui, a turno, cucini, fry, sell, serve and clean and that, frankly, at that moment you, selfishly, to think about other cocks. Would you like to say this but you say it, because it would be pointless and would only prolong the suffering and, with the silence, I hope to get tired and leave you in peace, perhaps ending with the classic "sold" if they really are " sold "to the balances are buying me, given the pittance paid. But do not answer, because not even wrong, you know it's too sweet smell that is constantly there and that rises to the nostrils stoned brain cells to make them believe we're hungry, you will also see the children always more obese ed irascibili e maleducati che si ingozzano di panini enormi e litri di bevande; sai che c'è qualcosa di sbagliato, di esagerato, come di corsa verso un traguardo che non si raggiungerà mai veramente. Quelli che ti vengono ad urlare contro sono tanti e tutti diversi, c'è chi ci crede veramente e chi lo fa per moda, chi lo fa con la pancia piena di cose salutari e chi vorrebbe solo migliorare le cose, chi è insensibile a necessità e ragioni degli altri e chi ha orecchie per ascoltare. Sono due estremi e, come la verità, tu stai semplicemente nel mezzo.
- Miché, sveglia! alzati da quella sedia, sono arrivati, dai che ce ne andiamo a casa.
- Arrivo.
Memento audere semper
I work there for five years.
"Just to be doing nothing, while I look for another ..."
So I said to those who knew me and was eating a Mac, or maybe that's how I told myself, a kind of self-persuasion ... unconvinced. Then, in a Mc Chicken Deluxe and Royal, the "seeking other" if they have gone to bless and with it my dreams, my studies, my ambitions. When I had done for years
laboratory in the Faculty of Archaeology, I never thought that I might be profitable to recognize and share a Happy Meal from a Salads Plus menu, however, to think of today, there goes much of a difference: first catalog remains bone, quilting today panini con resti di cadaveri più o meno recenti. Sarei tentata dall'azzardare una prova del C14, sai che sorprese...
Qui dentro le bestie arrivano già sezionate, la loro carne trita, mischiata a “chissàcos'altro” è identica per dimensioni, odore, sapore (dicono) e io scarto e confeziono un prodotto che non considero nemmeno cibo, sorrido alla mamma che premia il suo bimbo portandolo alla grande M, le auguro un buon break e le consiglio il muffin al cioccolato “che oggi è in offerta con due 0.3 di coca”. La vedo fulminare un tipo che fuma sull'uscio dell'entrata, come se quello che lascia ingurgitare al figlio sia meno dannoso della nicotina. Faccio l'occhiolino al piccolo che con un sorso ha già half finished drink e. ..
... all of a sudden are tiny by sideways in his chair in brown leather and green bottle that my grandparents in the kitchen, next to the fireplace, are the sixteen and I still have my eyes glued to the rest post lunch, a young Paul Bonolis, but already brilliant, leads Bim Bum Bam and I look forward to the initials snorkies, my grandmother gives me a ceramic plate that I grab it without taking his eyes off the screen, with little fingers and shake something, only the taste, I recognize that bread made fresh in house and those ripe tomatoes, red, my grandfather returns from the country ...
"For me, a Filet-o-Fish and a small potato"
In a split second and return great nostalgic ...
salt from the kitchen heat and the anointed of the fryers, I feel it more on this oil, I came into the skin. E 'Mc belonging to us or that we belong to him? I feel his prisoner or prisoner of this system that allows you to live (survive) if you kill your dreams, "because work is a sacrifice and ideals, and oh those ... do not give you something to eat.
"Grandma give me water ?"... they sank their teeth in the bread and salted tomato pieces I fall into the pot holding under his chin, just like they taught me ... "Or I'll dirty ...". Marina makes a nice interlude Morra and Uan upside down and I can not explain why, when I do it against the wall, I will "shoot" the hair in the air ... them no! Somehow I "impomodorato" t-shirt just changed this morning, peek at my grandmother that "head" the vegetables at the table and I take the sting that I already knew he deserves: "mo you keep it so." I look at my chest and I think when you get dirty you can not but rejoice, no longer have an obligation to be careful in eating ....
"Miss my Mc Menu ?"... "Yes, yes, a second port and everything." Today I can not to leave out the thoughts, not that easy, I usually stay focused on working but ... on some days the mind does not want to know to stay inside the "fence" from the duty imposed. Just around the corner from the kitchen, I shot in the throat, on the fly, a sip of water and I shake my head insistently as if to chase a swarm of bees out of his ears. The wall clock is the 15:05 ... "Power of an hour you're out of here ...". Mr. Potato smiles at me with resignation, we have saddled this nickname since he arrived and now, to be honest, I forget his name. It makes me a nod, the potatoes are ready ... therefore end when you walk eight hours in front of a fryer? Oil you pull out all the expression and you get empty eyes and mind?
"Hundred wonder that greedy dwarves yo yo .... what a surprise find out if I bite yo yo ... I found the yo yo I'm gonna fly so high ... I eat yo yo, I'll find a reason !"... I shake your legs to his chest and I think that here in your grandma's house, yo yo has never bought, "What Stephen's got the yo yo grandmother?". Stephen has a general store, a tiny, tiny shop (which is nothing other than the garage of his home) where it is sold in everything from cigarettes to food, gifts ... "And I think so, but we need to do? Those you hurt. " Which has the glasses a bit 'down on his nose and when I answered my grandmother watches it over the lens, the edge always somewhat' curved and the tone of one who is always in a hurry and has no time to lose. I like when you look at the dumplings (sometimes I can even fool some raw food under the table) and work in irons, but I never expect her to be an explicit gesture of affection ... "Well I know ste m stupid? Go play, run ...". I opened the glass door so hard that the house slamming the iron gratings on the wall, I hear screaming something but I'm already far away, with his feet on the pedals of my graziella fuchsia ...
"Oh the ste want fries or not?" I am Mr. Potato Head as you move the sleeve apron white on his forehead. He grabbed the fly, perhaps too much on the fly, I see it fall to the ground and ten, in an attempt to restart them, everything back on the floor. I stand to look at what some (certainly not me) has combined, I remove the apron from her head, I no longer feel the rumor of the room, no smell of fried food I get to the nostrils ... there's only me, my bike, the hot air of August in the face, the campaign that runs through my green and brown on the sides ... my happiness.
These two stories are born both inspired by the photos there to open it and my one and the other Maraptica , all born from a his post, after I posted the mandate, just to get some 'around, that photo and in the end we decided to try to write, both, a story inspired by that to see what would come of it, and here we are.
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