Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can Fish Oils Cause Mucus In Stools

invented apple?

I given much thought to how this cake.
Or rather, I thought a lot about what to do Stefania and her contest all about apples.
Then, leafing through a book by Pierre Herme (the amooooo) I had one of my usual lights and I wanted something that was a bit grossed 'in its style, with those intersections layer after layer of stocks that he loves so much and often proposes.
Obviously it should grind to go before they can only dream of being as good as him ... but it costs nothing to dream, right?
Meanwhile let's enjoy this sweet, which is delicious cold, at room temperature is WOW!


Ingredienti per 8 monoporzioni

Per la base:
un disco di pasta sfoglia (se la trovate rettangolare, molto meglio, c'รจ meno scarto)

Strato inferiore:
mezza mela renetta
4 cucchiai di zucchero 

Strato superiore:
100g di zucchero
25g di burro salato (o burro normale + fleur de sel)
10cl di panna fresca
30g butter + 35g of salted butter to mount
2 tablespoons powdered sugar

For the sheets of chocolate
100g of dark chocolate cocoa powder

- Start cooking the base sheet at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes after it perforated with a fork and let cool.
- Prepare the caramel: In a small saucepan with thick bottom heat sugar without stirring.
- Just beginning to brown slightly, add cream and heat, stirring constantly, then add the butter and mix well to obtain a smooth cream. Allow to cool.
- Cut the apple into the pot and heat it slightly with sugar to candy, until sugar "is the bubbles" but remains transparent. Allow to cool.
- Prepare the chocolate in a double boiler melt the chocolate and colarlo on a sheet of baking paper trying to get the layer + consistent as possible. Place the sheet on a shingle or another hard surface and refrigerate to solidify.
- Resume with salted caramel cream. Working on the two types of butter cream and then continue with the whisk, gradually adding the icing sugar and half of the caramel got. Leave the rest for garnish.
- Now make the cake: Cut 8 squares 5x5 puff pastry with a thin, sharp knife (the ceramic is perfect!). Leaning over the slices of apple trying to keep the surface as flat as possible.
- Sprinkle with a little 'hot knife blade smooth, dry and cut the sheets of chocolate, always a 5x5 square. It must get 16.
- Pour the caramel cream in a pastry bag and decorate 8 of the 16 squares. Once trimmed, place one on each layer of apples.
- Turn the other 8 squares of chocolate for the flat surface upwards. Sprinkle with cocoa, and helping with the tip of a knife or a spatula, place it on the layer of cream caramel.
- And now, finally ... you can garnish with the remaining caramel, just to make the most gorgeous thing ...

With this recipe I participate (at the last, as always: P) ... Apple invented the contest of Arabia Felix!


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