Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Flexx Fitness Testbericht
Well you still apples! Today I present my apple pie ... let me know what you think, bye!
Ingredients for the dough:
1 egg (60g)
550g flour 10g salt
200g margarine 100g caster sugar 100g water
For the filling: 1 kg of apples
(mature) in golden
slices 100g caster sugar 1 / 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
30g potato flour 10g
maraschino juice 1 / 2 lemon
bimbyt31 Version:
Put the flour in the bowl first and then the other ingredients and knead for 40 seconds. vel. 4/5.Togliere the mixture from the jug wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
If you have the first planetary kneading the butter, zucchero e sale. Poi unite l’acqua, le uova e in ultimo la farina e lavorate l’impasto fino ad ottenere una pasta elastica ed omogenea.
Condite le mele con lo zucchero il succo di limone, la vanillina e la fecola di patate e il maraschino. Far macerare per qualche minuto.
Stendete la pasta sottilmente con l’aiuto della carta da forno, rivestite uno stampo per torte e bucherellare con una forchetta e riempite con il composto di mele (si può aggiungere anche un leggero strato di pan di spagna sul fondo).
Coprite con un altro foglio di pasta già bucherellato, sigillate bene i bordi, spennellate con burro fuso e spolverate con zucchero semolato. Fate cuocere in forno ventilato a 180°C per i primi 30 min. poi a 200°C per altri 10 min. deve risultare dorata.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Buzzing Bottom Of Foot
But that bit of salt ...
For the base:
110g sugar 100g flour 00
eggs 15g cocoa powder
teaspoon baking powder 110g unsalted butter
1889 Farm Fiandino
For the buttercream:
90g of walnuts (shelled weight)
50g icing sugar vanilla non
2 tablespoons milk 50g unsalted butter
1889 Farm Fiandino
For the frosting:
160g icing sugar 25g
not vanilla strong coffee
I just pity: I will not say how many slices of bread and butter I just ate it for snack.
It is not normal butter, no, because there's butter and butter.
This is the salted butter 1889 Fiandino Farms, recapitatomi few weeks ago just after the registration to the contest held in conjunction with Sandra A touch of ginger.
This butter, creams from rest, has a very unique flavor, not greasy mouth but remember a lot of fresh milk and can, with its salty tip, to make special not only a simple bread and butter, but any dishes, from appetizers to desserts.
The most sinful is that these two loaves, which already are in themselves a violation of the diet of my flowers were delivered, with great and pleasant surprise, with a pack of cheese Great kinara obtained by 100% vegetable rennet is slightly lighter for the lactose intolerant. Almost needless to say that this wonderful cheese is not much left in the fridge ...
short, thanks to wineries Fiandino for this delicious gift! I invite you to take a ride on their website to read the history of their products. I had the opportunity, during Golosaria in Milan, to taste their beer cheese ... truly unique!
I thought a lot about what to make this contest, I changed my mind at least 4 times I think, and many of you know (real Gaia and Gaia ?: P), also because I have made my share of blacks holes interspersed with brilliant ideas at the beginning but then, ultimately, did not convince me this much.
Now I'm happy with the result and pleased with how little they lasted these petit fours:)
For the base:
110g sugar 100g flour 00
eggs 15g cocoa powder
teaspoon baking powder 110g unsalted butter
1889 Farm Fiandino
For the buttercream:
90g of walnuts (shelled weight)
50g icing sugar vanilla non
2 tablespoons milk 50g unsalted butter
1889 Farm Fiandino
For the frosting:
160g icing sugar 25g
not vanilla strong coffee
- Prepare the base of the petit four mixing together flour and sifted cocoa, sugar and yeast.
- Add the soft butter into chunks Salt and eggs and stir until mixture is smooth and homogeneous.
- Sprinkle baking paper, squeeze it well and line the pan by the paper against the sides.
- Pour the mixture into the pan and bake at 170 ° C, convection oven, for about 20 minutes while the toothpick test to check the cooking.
- Once cooked the base, allow to cool to room temperature .
- Prepare the stuffing by chopping nuts in a blender to reduce them in a soft but still slightly grainy.
- In a bowl fitted with the high sides whips salted butter, combine the pasta with walnuts, milk, icing sugar and continue beating until a thick cream.
- bisects the base in width, resulting in two equal halves to overlap each other.
- Spread the cream with one of the two, leaving two tablespoons for decorating the final part, and overlap the other layer on it.
- Put in refrigerator to harden.
- In a bowl, combine coffee and sugar e mescolare per ottenere una glassa non troppo liquida e senza grumi.
- Riprendere la base farcita e versarci sopra la glassa, distribuendola omogeneamente lungo tutto il dolce. Far indurire.
- Con un coltello ben affilato, tagliare i petit four in cubetti da 3 x 3 cm.
- Decorare con la crema rimasta con una sac à poche e, a piacere, con noci pralinate.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
How To Get A Dog Nose On Poptropica
mania ... GARLAND
Welcome back everyone!
My "new trend" is not exactly new new, let's say I had already made long ago and then I set aside, but lately wandering in Internet more and more often I come across in these creations and I felt like try to make some to kick off a new collection and I must say that, as in cherries, including the pincushion and pinkeep's a saying that a leads to another!
Here they are all four together my critters ... what do you think? to make me tender!
box, needless to say, is part of a set bought at Ikea recently, I painted with two coats of the Mississippi Mud
then with a dry brush, I soiled here and there before with Driftwood and then with the Buttermilk Decoart American
I decorated the cover with a pincushion made with an embroidery on linen in the aged and pasted on the card on which I had previously glued dell'ovattina to give structure, a strip of cotton tied around the U.S. and voila ... the box just to keep the most precious lace
here is a pincushion finger, measuring mignon ... to the bottom I used a bottle cap, a circle of fabric cut precisely accurate with a punch of Big Shot and a bit of wadding to stuff, then I sewed it all a ring made with the elastic
and here he is wearing ... convenient and useful!
here I decided to retrieve a box containing tomatoes, I gave a touch of experience "rusty" with acrylics, with a sponge brush, I tapped the adhesion on the tin (no matter if it remains a bit cores, even more so the result will look, once dry, I "made" the rust by tapping with the sponge brush and a bit of Burnt Orange, Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber always Decoart of Americana, a pincushion roly-poly, a ribbon theme and here he is in his new role
and ultimo il mio preferito, un barattolo di vetro a cui ho arrugginito il coperchio (mi sento molto primitive...) un pizzo verde e uno ecru e una stoffina romantica per il puntaspilli
Mi è proprio piaciuto creare questi oggettini, voi quale preferite?
Un abbraccio
Monday, February 21, 2011
Thickness Of Liquid Discharge After Intercourse
Apple pie with apples (with whipped cream in the dough), roll the chocolate and cream
Questo dolce ha come particolarità la panna montata all’interno dell’impasto. La dose è un po’ tanta però se ne può fare ½ .
Siccome questo dolce e sofficcissimo (non è neache molto bello esteticamente), vi consiglio di utilizzare ho uno stampo da plumacake o da ciambellone (io li ho usati tutti e 2 per l’intero impasto).
Vi assicuro che non avevo mai assaggiato un dolce alle mele così buono!
250 grams of flour, sugar
250 250
cream 3 eggs 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 / 2 tablespoon baking
golden apples 20 g butter 2 tablespoons sugar
Method: Peel a
apple and dice it, store it in a bowl with lemon. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla until they are swollen.
Add gradually the sifted flour and baking powder.
Whip cream and add it without dismantling the mixture, stirring from bottom to top.
Soak the diced apple and flour in a little 'flour.
Shake to remove excess flour and then pour half of the dough in a pan and distribute the diced apple, and even pay the second well with a spoon. Peel the apple and the second
it into very thin slices and decorate the cake and then handing over the knobs of butter and two tablespoons of sugar.
Bake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes. Do the toothpick test.
Remove from the oven, let cool and if you want to sprinkle a little 'sugar icing.
The slice of donut!
Questo dolce ha come particolarità la panna montata all’interno dell’impasto. La dose è un po’ tanta però se ne può fare ½ .
Siccome questo dolce e sofficcissimo (non è neache molto bello esteticamente), vi consiglio di utilizzare ho uno stampo da plumacake o da ciambellone (io li ho usati tutti e 2 per l’intero impasto).
Vi assicuro che non avevo mai assaggiato un dolce alle mele così buono!
250 grams of flour, sugar
250 250
cream 3 eggs 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 / 2 tablespoon baking
golden apples 20 g butter 2 tablespoons sugar
Method: Peel a
apple and dice it, store it in a bowl with lemon. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla until they are swollen.
Add gradually the sifted flour and baking powder.
Whip cream and add it without dismantling the mixture, stirring from bottom to top.
Soak the diced apple and flour in a little 'flour.
Shake to remove excess flour and then pour half of the dough in a pan and distribute the diced apple, and even pay the second well with a spoon. Peel the apple and the second
it into very thin slices and decorate the cake and then handing over the knobs of butter and two tablespoons of sugar.
Bake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes. Do the toothpick test.
Remove from the oven, let cool and if you want to sprinkle a little 'sugar icing.
The slice of donut!
Domestic Fire Sprinklers Canada
Me and my totem
For the bread (recipe Simili)
750g 00 flour 30g fresh yeast 30g soft butter in chunks
15g salt 380g warm water 1
cuc.no malt sugar 1
For the filling:
fruit sugar to taste
- Mix sugar (how much you want) and mascarpone cheese, spread and garnish with fruit. To transport them, you can wrap it in a bit 'of baking paper.
With these sandwiches to enter the contest on About Food picnic recipes!
Avete presente gli animali totem? Quelli che nelle culture del Nord America venivano awarded after a sort of rite of initiation into adult life?
The path of life was marked by the spiritual leader of this totem and the actions and behavior over the years reflect its intrinsic characteristics, such as courage, strength , generosity, spirit guide.
I have not made any initiation rite for charity, but I can proudly claim to have an animal totem. Yes
I bet most of you (naughty: P) to the pig must have thought, given my character a little disguised smear food almost 24 hours to 24 (if I could just eat sleep ...).
But no, the bradipo è il mio totem, non mi piace, ma mi si è ormai cucito addosso.
Perchè? Vediamo: sono leeeeenta...ho i miei ritmi. La calma è la virtù dei forti e con calma si riflette a mente lucida. Infatti quando ho degli insoliti sprazzi di impetuosa attività, non capisco niente e mi prendono, logicamente, per matta.
E poi, dormo sempre, dormo di sasso, dormo ovunque. Sì, insomma, oltre alle classiche pisolate in metro (ronf ronf...) penso di essere una delle poche persone in grado di addormentarsi...come dire, in bagno, va'.
Oggi il cielo è di un bianco simil-neve, quel bianco che ti fa tanto venir voglia di appoggiare un po' la testolina on the desk ... just 5 minutes from ...
After a week of sun and retirement of the comforter in the closet, they came back, very unpleasant, cold, gray rain.
time I was deluded. (
But today i feel like spring flowers, sun and picnic in the open air, so I carry on:)
For the bread (recipe Simili)
750g 00 flour 30g fresh yeast 30g soft butter in chunks
15g salt 380g warm water 1
cuc.no malt sugar 1
For the filling:
fruit sugar to taste
- In the global or in a large bowl, pour almost all the water and dissolve the yeast.
- Add malt and sugar and stir. Then add a little 'flour and knead. Add salt and continue with the flour.
- Install the hook and add a little at a time, making it absorb the butter well.
- When the dough is soft and compact, knead a few minutes on a work surface, hitting it a bit 'to facilitate the rise.
- Butter a rectangular mold (I used the plum cake, but it is a tight space) and let rise 1 hour.
- Bake for 50 min at 200-220 ° C, then remove from the mold and place on wire rack.
- The mold in the bread box has a lid that closes. I used the foil to emulate it, but leavened bread is not so much that has held up much ... but it came a bit 'a mushroom:)
- For the sandwiches, slice the bread, remove crust and cut triangle. - Mix sugar (how much you want) and mascarpone cheese, spread and garnish with fruit. To transport them, you can wrap it in a bit 'of baking paper.
With these sandwiches to enter the contest on About Food picnic recipes!
Heavy Implantation Bleeding
Yesterday I prepared this ciocccolato to roll filled with cream and I must say that besides being delicious is also very versatile. In fact, I already thought of the variants that we propose in the following recipes.
E 'suitable for children, contains little sugar and contains no butter and it is absolutely easy to prepare.
Ingredients for 4:
125g caster sugar (90g of which only will the remaining dough and optional)
3 eggs 30g flour
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
2.5 dl fresh cream (I used the plant is ready to install)
1 tablespoon powdered sugar (to serve as whipping cream)
2 drops of essence of vanilla (even a bag is fine)
butter for the mold
Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
In a bowl fitted with electric whips 90g caster sugar and eggs until frothy and creamy.
Sift flour and cocoa and add to mixture, stirring gently accuratamente con un cucchiaio adatto.
Imburrare e foderare con carta da forno uno stampo rettangolare di 25x30cm.
Distribuite l'impasto sullo stampo, livellando la superficie in uno strato uniforme.
Cuocete in forno ventilato per i primi 10min. a 200°C e i restanti 5min. a 180°C.
Nel frattempo, stendere un canovaccio pulito sul piano da lavoro, copritelo con un foglio di carta forno e cospargetelo con il restante zucchero semolato.
Sfornate la torta e mettetela immediatamente sulla carta zuccherata eliminando la carta che è stata utilizzata per il fondo della torta, e arrotolatela per il lato lungo, aiutandovi con il canovaccio se serve.
Fate riposare per una 10 min., then roll out gently and let cool.
Whip cream with icing sugar and vanilla essence.
Spread the cream on the surface of the cake and arrontolare again.
Place the stuffed rolls on a serving dish and leave to cool in the refrigerator for about 30 min. Serve the roll, cut into thick slices and decorate as desired.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Soothe-n-seal Liquid Protectant
SI '... GARLAND NO ...
Mi piacciono le ghirlande, i cuori, le stoffe tinte in filo, le sagome di legno, il verde e il rosa...mettiamo insieme questi ingredienti ed ecco un paio di ideuzze per una cameretta...idea anche per un regalino!
Per la prima ghirlanda, molto semplice, ho tagliato con il traforo dei coniglietti ed un cuore...vi ricordate la copertina che avevo fatto per Giorgia? ho usato gli stessi disegni, rimpiccioliti; un po' di Light Buttermilk, Dusty Rose, Shale Green, qualche fiocchetto di stoffa tinta in filo...
Simpatica vero?
Era da un po' che mi frullava in testa l'idea to create a cabinet to put over the couch ... Giorgia and why 'do not use a wreath as a support to hang the various elements?
I painted the garland with Light Buttermilk, unevenly and I hung with wire wool pink hearts ... the various elements of cloth dyed yarn in shades of green and pink
... cut and cuddly teddy bears with the tunnel and simply painted with Light Buttermilk ... The idea of \u200b\u200bbears and I 'came visiting Comptoir du Bonheur, a blog full of really cute little things (sorry but this morning I can not open it and put the link!).
still have not hung above the bed, but I like it a lot !!!!!
Once again, hope you got some ideuzza and have stimulated your creativity '! Stay tuned ...
short of pleasant surprises !!!!!! At the next Manu
Mi piacciono le ghirlande, i cuori, le stoffe tinte in filo, le sagome di legno, il verde e il rosa...mettiamo insieme questi ingredienti ed ecco un paio di ideuzze per una cameretta...idea anche per un regalino!
Per la prima ghirlanda, molto semplice, ho tagliato con il traforo dei coniglietti ed un cuore...vi ricordate la copertina che avevo fatto per Giorgia? ho usato gli stessi disegni, rimpiccioliti; un po' di Light Buttermilk, Dusty Rose, Shale Green, qualche fiocchetto di stoffa tinta in filo...

Simpatica vero?
Era da un po' che mi frullava in testa l'idea to create a cabinet to put over the couch ... Giorgia and why 'do not use a wreath as a support to hang the various elements?

I painted the garland with Light Buttermilk, unevenly and I hung with wire wool pink hearts ... the various elements of cloth dyed yarn in shades of green and pink

... cut and cuddly teddy bears with the tunnel and simply painted with Light Buttermilk ... The idea of \u200b\u200bbears and I 'came visiting Comptoir du Bonheur, a blog full of really cute little things (sorry but this morning I can not open it and put the link!).

still have not hung above the bed, but I like it a lot !!!!!
Once again, hope you got some ideuzza and have stimulated your creativity '! Stay tuned ...
short of pleasant surprises !!!!!! At the next Manu
What Causes Bloody Nose And Hair Loss
ugly and stupid.
Ingredients for 6 souffle portion
150g ricotta ( sieved to remove lumps )
4 eggs at room temp. Environment
80g + 20g icing sugar 125g blueberries
poppy seeds 10g starch (two teaspoons) vanilla essence
butter molds
Metropolitana Milanese.
High degree of dizziness due to heavy work day mixed with intense feeling of "not-bother-me-or-you-throw-a-box".
The way in which they collapsed on the arm next to mine place is at least embarrassing, octopus style dry on a rock.
A woman sits down next to me mumbling and I think that basically, I also would have good reason to grumble at the end of the day, but I'm just too lazy to do it.
annoying and too high a voice note in the distance interrupted my flow of thoughts zeroed (style flatline electrocardiogram) and forces me to put the view to re-tune my focus and concentration.
A door away, a somewhat obscure guy blabbering about the degree of "mafia" in Milan to Venice ...
approached me. E 'in less than a meter away and hangs there, continuing to babble and look around in search of consensus or, more likely, a healthy argument with someone.
And now begins, with her reminded me so much that bell'accento Romagna Giacobazzi " there are more beautiful women of northern once."
Sbem. Thanks.
The cab is now half empty, but I have two women next to me and two others in front, and I still wonder who did not appear the huge question marks (perhaps mixed with some # @!) Above our heads in exchange stunned looks.
Not that I'm the Venus of Botticelli, but he just does not shine at all neither for beauty nor charm ... in fact it is rather a black hole.
" now remained only the bad and the southern ones. And southern 'm not beautiful." At this point the lady next to me seems about to growl, and I finally understand his mumbling before.
" Women of the North now are good only for the feasts of Berlusconi, but those in the south to miss that! "
Sbem. A re-thanks, you flatter me!
" The German, the Swedish ... those are beautiful women, those who really like. Why do men of the South, what they did once? Came north to find a wife North one that did all the work at home, that will serve them riverisse .
" But now it does not work anymore, because now women remained in the north are also too stupid to do what .
SBEM. Thanks again.
But Wait usually do not come out with the first hot?!
Ingredients for 6 souffle portion
150g ricotta ( sieved to remove lumps )
4 eggs at room temp. Environment
80g + 20g icing sugar 125g blueberries
poppy seeds 10g starch (two teaspoons) vanilla essence
butter molds
- Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
- Wash the fresh cranberries and butter molds well.
- On the bottom, pour in the blueberries, leaving someone who will be blended directly into the souffle.
- Separate yolks and whites and the first mount with 80g of sugar.
- Add, ever mounting, ricotta, vanilla, potato starch, poppy seeds and remaining blueberries.
- Finally, attach separate the egg whites until stiff with the remaining 20g of icing sugar and add the other ingredients very gently, from top to bottom.
- Pour into molds for three quarters of the capacity and bake immediately.
- Bake for about 15 minutes without opening the oven. As usual, I was limp, but after all is a souffle, I console myself!
- If you want you can sprinkle with powdered sugar, I like a good sugar-addicted, ovviamente l'ho fatto :P
Con questo soufflè partecipo al contest della dolce Imma!
E poi...vi ricordate queste ? Hanno vinto il primo premio! Grazie ai Labna per il contest e per avermi premiata e complimentissimi alle altre vincitrici, Ambra e Daniela !
E poiiii...(giuro, è l'ultima) avete comprato Cosmopolitan?? Food Couture fa parte del servizio "Prendilo per la gola"! Emozione... :)
: *
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existential question
Ma perché nessuno puts more of lemon peel in dried figs?! This morning I was thinking just that, look at what is an important thing, the lemon zest gives the feeling of acidity and freshness that contrasts with the sweetness of the dried fig. This morning it one bite (ok, there were two but only because, for the uninitiated, is the dried figs are paired: they open the figs from the ass (and this suggests that it is a lot of Italian food (I guess I started with vice parentheses)), become dry, you put an almond inside the fig, or alternatively, in fact, the lemon peel (we also make sure the pieces of chocolate, but then it too becomes a gourmet (and aridaje with parentheses)), and then, I said, close with another couple of figs. The final touch would sprinkle of chocolate powder, but not too much to ask providence). I said this morning that he would bite a two ... and I immediately came to mind that no one puts the zest of lemon is nice when you hit the fig tree, feel the different texture of the lemon zest to taste that explodes in your mouth. These are important questions, I told myself this morning while I bit the figs and thumbed through the papers, leaves the balance of a snack, I stressed myself while I was reading processes and women, and "go forward". The balance of a snack is important, I would say even necessary, because from there depends on the approach to lunch, to how we feel front plate of pasta or other ahead about noon while trying in every way not to listen to what the news does not say very often. In short, I bit and looked and looked through the figures (some figures of shit that I saw in the paper that will not tell you (but not all of these brackets bother? (Mann, if you say it to me (would you say to me, right?))) ) and I stopped holding the couple at least a piece of fig and fig I looked at the half with the sign of my teeth and stood in the white of the almond just bitten in half and I immediately asked why no one put more lemon zest in dried figs, even chromatic level, eh, because the yellow check (only the yellow Of course, the albedo would be too bitter), then check the yellow brown of dried fig, I said, also has its beauty, it's nice to see while watching the fig half with a cast of your teeth. These are important questions eh, mica and fig pizza (of course), sometimes we do not realize how meaningful this is, you think "but it's just a damn!", And no! Apart from that there are two, as I said before, but think something like that shows a very superficial, and the palatal right balance is something of vital importance because it is the approach that we have to day. These are the important things, but! For this morning, while leafing through the newspaper I doing lunch asked why no one right now put the lemon zest in dried figs, as you know?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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