Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Get A Dog Nose On Poptropica

mania ... GARLAND

Welcome back everyone!
My "new trend" is not exactly new new, let's say I had already made long ago and then I set aside, but lately wandering in Internet more and more often I come across in these creations and I felt like try to make some to kick off a new collection and I must say that, as in cherries, including the pincushion and pinkeep's a saying that a leads to another!

Here they are all four together my critters ... what do you think? to make me tender!

box, needless to say, is part of a set bought at Ikea recently, I painted with two coats of the Mississippi Mud

then with a dry brush, I soiled here and there before with Driftwood and then with the Buttermilk Decoart American

I decorated the cover with a pincushion made with an embroidery on linen in the aged and pasted on the card on which I had previously glued dell'ovattina to give structure, a strip of cotton tied around the U.S. and voila ... the box just to keep the most precious lace

here is a pincushion finger, measuring mignon ... to the bottom I used a bottle cap, a circle of fabric cut precisely accurate with a punch of Big Shot and a bit of wadding to stuff, then I sewed it all a ring made with the elastic

and here he is wearing ... convenient and useful!

here I decided to retrieve a box containing tomatoes, I gave a touch of experience "rusty" with acrylics, with a sponge brush, I tapped the adhesion on the tin (no matter if it remains a bit cores, even more so the result will look, once dry, I "made" the rust by tapping with the sponge brush and a bit of Burnt Orange, Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber always Decoart of Americana, a pincushion roly-poly, a ribbon theme and here he is in his new role

and ultimo il mio preferito, un barattolo di vetro a cui ho arrugginito il coperchio (mi sento molto primitive...) un pizzo verde e uno ecru e una stoffina romantica per il puntaspilli

Mi รจ proprio piaciuto creare questi oggettini, voi quale preferite?

Un abbraccio


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