As usual, my perennial AIS is also reflected in the blog.
Surrounded by this laziness that just does not want to say hello, a little neglect 'bloggerello my beautiful, poor .
But every so often crops up, and meanwhile I go with the guide of the evening was held last Tuesday at the headquarters of the Italian Cuisine in Milan.
The event, organized by Calvé , saw that as an entertainer that volcano that is Katia Follesa, dressed as a nutritionist with a tube of mayonnaise as a circle for hair, invited us to demystify the use accessory of this sauce (which is my drug!).
The purpose of the evening was, precisely, to consider inviting the mayonnaise as a possible ingredient for the realization of a dish, and not just for decoration in the margin.
Ecco che spuntano allora paste fredde, pesce, spiedini e perfino brownies, cantucci e crostate, il tutto realizzato con questa salsa che in fondo, a ben pensarci, non è altro che uovo, olio e limone.
Tutto quello che era proposto nel buffet è stato realizzato con l'utilizzo della maionese (macedonia a parte :P) e posso assicurarvi che è stata una piacevole sorpresa!
Ringrazio gli organizzatori della serata, in particolare Alessandra, che ci hanno dato modo di divertirci, di chiacchierare, nonchè far conoscenza tra noi blogger and journalists in the food web.
Forgive me if I quote all there, my memory is painful! In addition to the mashed potatoes prepared with my Gaietta , I could review Anna , Babs and meet in person Cris , Ely and many more!
I hope to repeat soon! :)
A guide to tomorrow with Identity Gourmet!
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