Friday, February 11, 2011

Dtv Smart Antenna Canada

Sooner or later

Oh yes, I do it sooner or later, sooner or later I'm writing a story with this soundtrack, a voice so why not be left unpunished, a pace so relentless, the thrill you is looking away while listening, looking inside. Oh yes, sooner or later I will mention these damn words, while listening to music and maybe move my foot and I will also look bad, like that of American movies or cold Crime Novel, the series eh, not the film. Sooner or later I dance on my fingers Adele in the background with this keyboard and I also roll deep that comes so easy, it takes nothing to become a chasm and to trip over as well and then, yes, by words, one after the other, one after another because are the words to be brave, not me, line up, educated and send them to you to say. Sooner or later, yes, I put in letter after letter Story 'is the song, he deserves it just for the hand that makes you tap on the thigh of a murder in my speak, tell the story, speak more than one murder and also a flight goes, I think this music is good and escape us is not so then? Do not escape any of them? "From something" or "to something" ma fuggiamo, magari facciamo entrambe le cose contemporaneamente, magari anche dalla stessa cosa. Sì, mi sa proprio che parlerà di questo il racconto, la musica scorrerà sotto e ballerà insieme alle frasi e insieme scenderà nel profondo. Sì, prima o poi mi godrò questa canzone mentre scrivo e dirò alla penna "fai tu che mi fido" e poi mi leggerò quello che ne sarà uscito fuori. Sì, prima o poi scriverò, voi intanto ascoltatela.

Naturalmente non smettete di dirmi i vostri luoghi del cuore, il post precedente è sempre aperto.


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